the end of season 4

is so sht.

i'm not watching anymore.


What didnt you like about it season 1 and 4 are my favorite, what's wrong with a s4 ending?


i liked season 1 and 2 and 3. Season 4 was entertaining but it started to get ridiculous. The plot contrivances were silly and unrealistic in the extreme. The writing techniques became transparent. Major characters became inconsistent, motivations became confusingly vague and allegiances swung with unbelievable frequency. And i got bored with the same stuff being said again and again. 'I'm doing it for the good of the club' etc etc.

The cartel guys turned out to be CIA. When they told Jax to keep Clay alive i decided enough is enough.


I agree here. Clay and Juice used to be such cool characters in s1-3.


To each their own, but I don't understand how anyone can prefer season 3 to season 4 other than the finales. I think season 4 is great besides the final episode. While season 3 is one of the weakest but has one of the strongest finales.


he plot contrivances were silly and unrealistic in the extreme.
If you feel S4 was over the top, you definitely need to quit. It gets utterly ridiculous in Seasons 5, 6 and 7.

I actually liked how Season 4 ended. It gave us all that we really needed to see in terms of Jax taking his place as President, Tara by his side, and Clay dethroned.


Season 4 is good but the finale is weak compared to the rest of the season.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I agree clay should have died at the end of season 4, let jax and opie kill him together for what he done to both of them.



It was so confusing. Why would Jax be loyal to Clay?

It's been awhile since I watched season 4, but I recall it was spelled out pretty clearly that Jax needed Clay alive for the gun deals to go through with the Irish, who would not deal with the Mayans or the Niners. Jax had no loyalty to Clay. He was trying to save his own ass and get out of the club at that point. And the gun deals going through was the way he accomplished that.


Yes they were all going down on the RICO charge if Clay wasn't around to facilitate the deals with Galen and the Irish. They should have just killed Clay though.



Does everybody not understand the show?

True, Jax was pissed off at Clay for what happened to his mother, and I'm sure he would've gotten right with that by fighting Clay a second time (like season 2) and kicking his ass.

But as far as Donna getting killed, that was an accident and Stahl's fault. That bitch framed Opie and Donna (all due respect) was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Originally, it was supposed to be Opie in the truck, and Ryan Hurst wasn't going to return for Season 2. However, Opie became a fan favorite and he got to stay longer (couldn't agree more with that, as I loved Op)

Regarding Opie going crazy and wanting to gun Clay down, he should've gone about it a different way and been smart about it, instead of being a loose cannon. Jax, although pissed at Clay, didn't want Clay to meet Mr. Mayhem until he had proof. Until he had proof, Jax had to live up to the responsibilities of being a professional VP. Part of that responsibility is protecting your President (love him or hate him) Jax did what any pro MC member would've done.

Killing a Club President in SOA or any other biker club is a big no no. And Jax was smart about it, he wounded Opie and knocked him out while getting Clay to the hospital.

I mean look at season 7, when Jax killed Jury and claimed self defense. He lied about the circumstances and killed a member, which is the reason why the other Presidents got together and came up with a majority ruling of Mandatory Mayhem.


Forgive me, let me rephrase my second to last paragraph....

Killing a Club President on a whim without unanimous ruling in SOA or any other biker club is a big no no. And Jax was smart about how he handled the situation. He wounded Opie and knocked him out while getting Clay an ambulance to the hospital.


You felt the need to let us know, huh? How about just stop watching it and be done with it? I really don't see why it's such a hard concept....


Why are you talking to me?


Mr. Green, Mr. Blue

Do you guys agree with my analysis, to a certain extent?


I thought the last scene in the finale was fantastic (Jax replacing Tig and the way Gemma looked at Jax and Tara....).
