Clay and opie

in your opinion was the score settled with clay getting Donna killed. In my opinion putting myself in opie shoes I would say no, he lost the love of his life and I would probably do the same.


Opie was very much ok with Clay after Tig confessed. Only after Clay killed Piney Opie did bring Donna up.


Yeah, he was at wit's end.

The guy tried to move on, and I honestly think that he did love Lila. But his father getting killed was just the last straw, and especially by the very same guy who brought Clay into the club in the first place (Piney sponsoring Clay was brought up in S4)

Opie just wanted his old life back with Donna, and it took his father getting killed and learning that Jax was leaving the MC to fuel his hatred toward the man who caused his wife's death.

Truth be told though, I blame Stahl for Donna. Clay did try to kill Opie because of the evidence that was there. The fact that Opie did five years and didn't want to go back inside, not withstanding. But he did it to try and protect the club. He made a difficult decision as the leader, much like Jax did later on.
