A Musical?

What are they smoking?


chads and incels are going to love this musical.


Ok, what is a chad?? I've heard Taylor Swift mention this kind of terminology when they interview her??


It is an English name, although it's not that common.

Its use as an internet slang term is a bit weird. It started as a stereotypical name for a "jock," an attractive, athletic man who is good with women and who bullies nerds, sort of like how "Karen" for an entitled middle-aged woman and "Poindexter" for a geek.

Initially, the term was used as an insult by people who saw themselves as nonconformists (the kinds of people who "Chads" would stereotypically bully) on sites like 4Chan, which was adapted into memes contrasting the stereotypical Chad with the low-confidence "virgin."

Then it sort of got flipped into "virgin = bad, Chad = good" and "Chad" and especially "GigaChad" being used for things that are good or when something is done very well.

The internet is weird.

from reddit....


Um, thank God I'm not on Reddit.. Sounds like a bizarre world??


luckily I am not on reddit. thats the best response I could find. all chat boards are bizarre these days. I think the internet is slowly turning everyone insane.


The question should be "What are they NOT smoking?"
