saw first 3 episodes

OK, but kinda confusing with the back and forth time threads.


I don’t know what it is, but I am finding it difficult to stay engaged. I find myself wondering off many times and have to rewind it.

Maybe it’s just me, but I find Firth’s American accent horrible. It really takes me out of the show.

The rest of the cast are putting up good performances, but I don’t care much for their characters.

I am willing to see more, but I am losing interest.


Colin Firth acts and speaks much like the real Michael Petersen. The guy is awful to listen to in real life so while its fairly accurate, it is grating listening to him. The real life case was interesting on Forensic Files but I feel like there is not enough story to stretch it into a 4 episode miniseries and I have also found it difficult to get into for that reason. The director seems a bit too pretentious as well.


The documentary on Netflix was more interesting. I think HBOMAX added some other stuff to it.


Same. It is meandering and strangely paced. It has long silent pauses at weird times. I don’t find any of the performances interesting. Very flat all around.
