MovieChat Forums > Death Wish (2018) Discussion > Hated By Critics...Loved By Fans

Hated By Critics...Loved By Fans

Death Wish 2018 is an excellent example of the differences between the tastes of the critics and the public.

I don't think I have talked to a single person that actually saw this movie that didn't like it; but I don't think I have read a single positive review of this movie. There has always been a dividing line between what the critics like and what the public likes; and the original Death Wish and its remake are the proof of that.



The only reviews i read are the amateur ones on imdb , and then I skim read many and take an average.
So never actual "critics" i wouldnt know where to find one.
I'm surprised they arnt all out of a job with the rise of the internet and anyone being able to voice their opinion.


Just noticed imdb score: 6.4
That kinda indicates that not everyone who watched it loved it.


I'm not a critic and I thought it was pretty meh.



Sir or Madam this was awful.


I liked it. Nice to see a strongly pro-2nd Amendment film for once. I was shocked that Hollywood would put out such a thing, but pleased.


Original was better.


It's not the worst film but it is pretty much forgettable !
