Utter masterpiece

Nuff said



Indeed, nuff said. How and when did you discover LTROI?


I read a short review of it in the New Yorker several years ago and obtained it from Netflix shortly after that. The review called it the "best horror film" of recent years so it seemed like a must see. It did not disappoint. I haven't rewatched it since then, but I distinctly recall being impressed by the tension and fear factor. There was something just otheworldly and spooky about the kids!


My experience exactly! Including hearing about it from a New Yorker review. After watching it, I could not put my finger on exactly what was so great about the film except that it was much more thoughtful, suspenseful and subtle than a typical Hollywood thriller. That does not mean it did not scare me, but it was not in just a slasher or gross out way. Like this poster, I have not seen it since but I have not forgotten about it either. Nor have I seen the American remake which, I am sure, would pale in comparison.


Probably the best I've seen in the last 10 years.




Udderly true and pure as milk


yes agreed


Indeed it is. It's everything I could want from a vampire movie.


I'm usually hesitant to definitively judge a movie after the first viewing unless it was bad enough to rule out a second. But, after I saw LTROI (and "Let Me In"), I looked forward to seeing it again. This time I watched with my daughters, 12 and 14. It came off even better, so yeah . . it's pretty darn good. I think the girls wanted more "horror," but I'm trying to get them to be interested in movies that don't just give them what they think they want. It's a process, and it's working . . and movies like this help tremendously.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.
