It sucks. I was given...

the (false) impression it was a horror movie. it's not



"It sucks. I was given the (false) impression it was a horror movie. it's not" - leonw-hunt

It isn't the film's fault that it was advertised incorrectly.


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It was specifically not advertised as a horror flick in Europe. I would say that the U.S. distributors figured we've got a lot more horror fans than drama fans, so expect a lot of disappointed people. But don't let it spoil this wonderful film for you. And be sure and watch it in Swedish with English subtitles.


I agree the trailer tends to distort what the movie is really about. But there is so much information available nowadays about films beyond the trailer, that if that was the sole determinant for your decision, I think you only have yourself to blame.

Death tugs at my ear & says: Live; I am coming.


Don't blame the victim. The US distributors screwed up.


You must have quite a narrow definition of "horror."


I think it works a lot better as it is, rather than a straight out gore-fest. There are already enough of those.



Phantom of the Opera could be considered horror as well. All in personal definition. But do I watch this movie and make sure my doors are locked and no one under the bed. Nope.

This is my sig Not that ^



It occurs to me that your use of the colloquialism "it sucks" in reference to a film featuring vampires might be considered by some to be a ringing endorsement, though I gather from the sum of your remarks that such is not your intent. 

Actually, one could argue that LTROI is a very dark film...but with a horror of a different sort.
