
I'd read that a version put out by Magnet Releasing (Magnolia Pictures) did not have the original Swedish sub title translation, so I went back to Netflix to see which is there. Fortunately, that is the "good" version. However, I started checking it (the good version) against Google Translate English - Swedish, and almost none of the sub titles agree with Google translate.

Example: In one of the first jungle gym scenes, Eli says (subtitled) "So, you're back." Goggle x'late has this as "så att du är tillbaka" which sounds nothing like what she says, which sounds something like "Fer radian." I took several examples of subtitles through Google translate, and had much the same experience. This may be a case of literal versus figurative speech, but I'd like to hear what some native Swedish speakers have to say about this. If it's a transliteration, it may be missing some of the colloquialisms.



Eli says: "Är du her igjen", and Oskar replies "Är DU her igjen". Literally it says "are you here again", and I think the translation is quite accurate in conveying the atmosphere..

For the heart life is simple. It beats as long as it can.


Thank you! tack:)



It occurs to me that although Google translate can show the spelling, it of course can't demonstrate how the words are pronounced, so thank you again.



I have a spreadsheet that has the Swedish (mostly what you actually hear, except it sometimes leaves out words). I have made up my own subtitles and have them in the next column. Where a close to literal translation conveys the meaning and doesn't sound too goofy, that's the subtitle. Otherwise it's like what Drakkar demonstrated -- just conveying the meaning. In those cases, the third column has the literal or at least key word definitions.

You can send me a private message on the We, the Infected site. I'll be glad to share what I have (warts, goofs, and all).


Thanks! I registered with We, the Infected, but have not been approved yet. Obviously doing some deep criminal background checks on my checkered past:)
What I realized from Drakkar's response is that Google Translate was actually doing a pretty good job. I was just making a gross assumption on how Swedish is pronounced (and failing:) I will contact you on there when I get in, and thanks, DG.



Wow. That was quick. They must have found your list of outstanding warrants pretty quickly.

Spreadsheet on the way.


Well, my pictures up in the post office, so it couldn't have been too hard:)



Thanks! I just got registered, and am in:) I'll IM you there.


Thanks! I just got registered, and am in:) I just PMd you there.


However that is not Lina Leandersson voice. The dubbing is simply awful and why the kids real voices were not used is beyond me. In the American version-which is quite good-Owen's voice is essential to understanding the plot.

The translations of the book to English makes the same stupid mistakes.


"However that is not Lina Leandersson voice. The dubbing is simply awful and why the kids real voices were not used is beyond me. In the American version-which is quite good-Owen's voice is essential to understanding the plot.

The translations of the book to English makes the same stupid mistakes." - patelbright2

"The dubbing is simply awful"

Do you remember posting the following?


The original-in it's original language-is a one of a kind film. Dubbed or subtitled the entire mood is lost. It is idiotic to compare either film, or actress, because the intensity of the dialogue is altered. Swedish is a simple language for a westerner to learn so I have no pity if you miss the brilliant interaction between the leads that is magical. The decision to replace Miss Leandersson voice with a slightly older actress has never really been explained-it added a more outwardly dialect than that of the Western Subs. I think- as my time there was limited- I may be wrong. Whatever the reason it was a success.

Also, the film is much superior to the novel, as I believe was the intention of the screenplay.

If anyone who knows the dialects much better than my experience there some 20 years ago, please comment on this. I stayed in that area where some of the film was produced and people tell me now it looks as it always has-which is no surprise at all." - patalbright2. Sat Oct 17 2015 16:22:16

"the brilliant interaction between the leads that is magical"...

"The decision to replace Miss Leandersson voice with a slightly older actress has never really been explained-it added a more outwardly dialect than that of the Western Subs. I think- as my time there was limited- I may be wrong. Whatever the reason it was a success"


I fail to understand how the "brilliant interaction between the leads" could be "magical" if the dubbing (of Ms Leandersson's voice with that of Elif Ceylan) was "simply awful". Not only that, but if the dubbing was "simply awful" why would you think that it was a "success"?

PS. The reason Ms Leandersson's voice was dubbed over has been explained by the director.


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