MovieChat Forums > Anvil: The Story of Anvil (2009) Discussion > Comment if you'd heard of Anvil BEFORE y...

Comment if you'd heard of Anvil BEFORE you heard about this movie

Tilte says it all. Just wanting to see how well known thwy actually were. I was only aware of them by name.

It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.


I uses to listen to Anvil when I was in my teens along with all the other glorious trash metal of the time.



I remember Anvil from back in the day, but only a couple of songs (Metal On Metal, Scenery, Back Waxed, Blood On The Ice, Toe Jam). I finally got around to seeing the documentary after several friends told me how good it was. I saw it on Netflix and after watching it I HAD to get the DVD. I found it online and downloaded the Metal On Metal album (yes, legally). Really wish I'd listened to them more back then, but like a previous poster, I get to seek out some "new" old bands and catch up on what I missed.

Buy this movie!


I have heard the band Anvil by name prior to the movie but never really listened to them until afterwards, I remember I wanted to get into them back in the early 2000s but didn't get around to buying their music


I heard of them back in the 80's after my friend showed me a taping he'd made of their "Mad Dog" video. I thought the song rocked and the video was hilarious. Unfortunately I didn't really follow them otherwise and hadn't thought about them until I heard about this documentary.


I heard of Anvil before the movie. I knew their song "Metal On Metal", they are Canadian, and had been around a long time.


I did, I saw their pic on a mag once

'Hey hey mama said the way you move!'


I heard of Anvil in the mid 90s, when i watched a MuchMusic special about history of Heavy Metal. After that got their first 3 albums.

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


Well let me put it this way, i was in high schoole from 1983-1986 in Toronto Canada. Hell ya I listened to these guys a lot. The metal on metal album was my fav. MOTHRA!


Never heard of them until this movie.
