visual porn

JESUS ive never seen such a gorgeous/high quality visuals, set and costume design. each culture/groups costumes are amazing. the ships look amazing. the sets are vast and detailed. its like dune is a game on high settings, and every other movie now looks like its on low. you could watch this movie with the volume off its so beautiful


I agree it looks like a game . But i only lasted 52 mins, i thought it was pretty corny. Differnt strokes for Differnt folks


I dont think it looked like a cgi mess of a game. the cgi or models or whatever they used look convincing enough (I watched on 4k) that im not even sure which part they used which (likely a mix of both) which is a damn good sign.

OHH corny AF for sure.,and I feel like the books writer and its fans, think tis a far better and deep and amazing story than it really is. I see it borrowing elements of sci fi and fantasy ive seen done elsewhere, better. its kinda like its high on its own "epic ness". and having talked to a fellow film fan whose wife and daughter were massive dune book fans, we just made fun of their pretentiousness and obsession with an overrated material.

that said I think it wasn't the story or book I liked, but Denis Villeneuve amazing direction and production value that elevated this material to art


Zendaya is all porn.


she looked haggard AF in this/ and meh she seems super cool and like "one of the boys". but man, literal body of a 10 year old

even vogue with all their editing and photoshopping knew it would be a stretch to give her anything more than the tinnier tits ever,h_3200,c_limit/09-zendaya-vogue-cover-june-2019.jpg


Not even. It's an ugly movie


Villeneuve seems to have a motion-painting approach to filmmaking where his images, compositions, and real use of the BIG SCREEN are just better than most other filmmakers around today. This guy's movies just look GREAT. I'm with you.

I don't really agree with your evaluation of the content of Dune. I think it's a good story. I think it's been over-hyped over the years, but I don't think it's as vapid as you make out elsewhere on this thread.
