MovieChat Forums > W. (2008) Discussion > Wow... Terrible, Oliver, just terrible.....

Wow... Terrible, Oliver, just terrible...

I'm not a conservative, I'm fairly liberal, but I'm also fair... This was not a fair portrayal of the subject and I expected a hell of a lot more from Stone, even the cover shows this is more of an attempt to mock rather than portray (Cover subtitles: "Dub Ya" or the other cover "A Life Misunderestimated") despite the fact that this is placed under 'Biography' and 'History'. This is shameless and blatant agenda pushing, and I'm pretty offended that Stone thinks his fans need something this dumbed down. Every scene is a chance to show something negative about the subject, it's as subtle as a freight train to the face. I can handle subtlety, Stone. This was a *beep* cartoon. Would he ever make a film about Clinton and show his many negative sides? Hell no. Stone, you used to be good, but I guess everyone runs out of good ideas at some point. But here's the bottom line: Nobody should care how Oliver Stone votes, therefore he shouldn't feel the need to tell us.

But what's this got to do with the CIO?


Why would you expect a fair take from Oliver Stone? He's a classic ignorant left winger. His movies are weak and his revisionist history is hysterical. He claimed the Soviets won WW2. If it weren't for Truman there wouldnt have been a Cold War with the USSR. Lol!!!! Dude is a complete joke.


Yeah I guess you're right. *beep* I could nearly call the guy a hack.

But what's this got to do with the CIO?


The Soviets DID win WWII...


Yes I agree with you that they did win it...
It was the U.S.S.R.'s military and their people that ripped the guts out of Germany's war machine.

Also the USA did NOT need to use the Atomic Bombs.
We have already fire-stormed the living crap out of Japan by that point...

My own father was a company commander by the later half of the war and his division was one of the first to occupy a region in Japan right after their surrender.
He told me that from speaking with Japanese military and their people that they were ready to surrender before the bombs were dropped.

The common people of Japan were starving by this point...
It is an interesting story that took my father until his death bed before he would speak to me (in detail) about his involvement in that war.
Like many of his generation...they did not want to speak about it very much.


Yup, fully agree - the research I've done is in line with this. Japan was fully blockaded, and completely out of supplies. There were PSA announcements on Japanese radio at the time promoting the "nutritional benafeits" of eating pine cones.

Meanwhile, the Soviets started their land invasion of Manchuria. A soviet and US joint invasion of Japan would surely result in a situation similar to Germany, divided right down the middle.

It was about ending it before the Soviets got involved. It was a display of power and dominance - that level of carnage waged on entire populations of innocent people and the willingness to do it.

It gave us a leg up on the Cold War.

Thanks for sharing this information from your dad.


Ironic that Stone portrayed W Bush in a more sympathetic light than most normally would.


Your attitude is just terrible


How so? Is it because he shares a differing opinion than you? He asks a valid question and states some of the obvious.

Personally, I thought the film was okay, but obviously bias in some parts. Still, it was portrayed in an entertaining way and I can put politics away in the name of entertainment.

GWB was a very Liberal Republican and a likable guy, people on both sides seem to have either forgetten that or are just too young and/or indocrinated to remember. It was Cheney who was further to the right with old guard neocon war tendencies.

He had some great years too. The financial crisis was set in place well before GWB got into office and the blame really lies on both sides of congress. 9/11 could have happened to any President. It actually almost happened to Clinton, but of course the war weary did nothing and we all believed that it could never ever happen here.

So there is a lot of nuance there, more than many propagandists and/or partisan hard liners would like us to believe. The key is to be objective and always, always hear both sides of the story. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle, but not hard to find out with all the info if you're not too close to either side..


W. won't look good whoever tells his story! He was a colossal FU and even his father knew it, betting on JEB to succeed him! People can try and blame his incompetence on others and the financial crisis on Clinton and Congress, but it would be a lie! This country was in great shape, prospering and at peace when this true idiot and his supporters thought we would be ok under his lame leadership! ;-(

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I thought Josh Brolin was excellent in the role of Bush, but the film stunk. Too much time going back and forth from the past to the present. While I hated Bush, I did want to know more about the decisions he made in his presidency, and why he made them.


What do you think of people saying that Stone portrayed GW Bush more sympathetically in this movie than his usual portrayal in the media?
