MovieChat Forums > W. (2008) Discussion > An American Disgrace

An American Disgrace

To the movie reviewer who wrote that this movie was something much better than paying $10 to see a movie about something more than a Hollywood Chihuahua, One should be not only insulted but down right angry that a movie was made about this AMERICAN Disgrace. Perhaps and Certainly the worst disgrace in my lifetime.
Dumb, Careless, destructive and Downright Criminal is his Legacy upon the US. He left a Stain that not even time will fade (e.g. 911).
All politicians are perhaps the biggest liars but this Bush has redefined the meaning of a Liar and cold hearted cheat.
The hidden powers that be just picked the most rotten fruit from the tree of evil when they choose him and is just proof that they know exactly WHO to put in the White House as their Poppet.
Furthermore, it was not only maddening to see Josh Brolin cast as Bush, it was just another undeserving compliment to this piece of Texas Trash.

***Money can't buy you anything of real value, not even a decent movie.


You're no Dali Lama yourself.


Did you mean to comment his on the Obama movie?


That's the good thing a about the US. No matter how incompetent the chief executive is, eventually they got to go and we go on the next day. And just Remeber some day Obama will be out of office to


You sound like a partisan hack. GWB was not as bad as you have been brainwashed to believe. He had some great, conveniently forgotten years before the final couple. Regardless, this was more of a historical type film where some definite creative liberal thinking added( no more than any other movie about historical figures).
So if you cannot handle history and the humanization of who you believe to be a cardboard cutout of evil, I have a simple solution...Don't watch it. Put your blinders and ear plugs back in and stay safe inside your bubble where you know everything.

It is so very sad that this country has made its descent into this type of close minded hackery. I personally believe that history will be kinder to GWB than the rabid haters who have forced people(even myself) to say, "Yeah, he was so terrible" just so we don't have to listen to people like you blather on talking points.


Oh, You just sound like a pompous know it all. Try telling all your nonsense to the families of 911 victims.
He IS and will remain a WAR CRIMINAL and Drunken Idiot who couldn't even put an intelligible sentence together in a speech even with His massive advisors. NO ONE wants another Bush in the White House. Jeb is proof of that.


I blame the idiots who actually helped him get elected in the first place! What was it; some kind of prank or bet that "even I can make this idiot President of The United States?" One person is never totally responsible for incompetence and evil; look at Hitler! He didn't personally shoot or gas 6 million Jews! Others have to take some of the blame! I put a lot of it on Rove and then his advisors who propped him up as someone that could do the job! Trying to make him more Presidential after leaving office is a joke as well!

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I totally agree with You! Selling such an incompetent Joke to the American People was the work of many and Yes, although he was a puppet, he also had his own puppets. Cheney and the rest of the immoral Bush Family were all put into place to aide him in his evil plots as their roles were clearly uncovered and documented in the 911 attacks. Those are only to name a few. I really don't think that any president is ever going to be independent of that power control but maybe their is a lesser of 2 evils. Let's not forget the brainwashed people who put them in there either. BTW, interesting link!
