MovieChat Forums > W. (2008) Discussion > The new book by GHW pretending to trash ...

The new book by GHW pretending to trash Dubya's presidency

It's a scam. Of course.

My blood ran cold a couple of years ago when Barbara Bush said, "I think there have been enough Bushes in the White House" because I knew that was code phrase for: "Jeb is gonna run and we're gonna make sure he wins."

This new book from the Senior Bush -- trashing son Dubya's presidency and Cheney and Rumsfeld -- is to help Jeb by communicating: 'See?? We Bushes aren't all the same and we don't approve of what Dubya did last time around".

It's a trick. A dirty, Rove-ian, election year trick. And I'm sure Dubya, Cheney and Rumsfeld privately gave it their full blessing in advance.

Their point is: Jeb won't be like that.

But he will.

And we thought Stone's movie was a satire.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


Let's hope the electorate is a little bit smarter than the last time a BUSH was on the ballet! Any elevation of IQ would be enough I think!

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