MovieChat Forums > Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) Discussion > Barely adequate, moderately enjoyable, b...

Barely adequate, moderately enjoyable, but did we really need this?

I hate to admit that I enjoyed this more than I expected, but ultimately found it lacking, and an unnecessary and forgettable entry. I have no problem admitting that I enjoyed (perhaps a bit too much) watching annoying, clueless, uppity, Gen Zr's who think they understand the world getting slaughtered. Although, did we really need yet another reboot of this franchise? They did this same thing (ignoring previous entries and making a direct sequel to the 1974 original) back in 2013 with Texas Chainsaw 3D. I suppose they handled the reason for Leatherface's absence adequately, albeit perhaps a bit tenuously. Bringing Hardesty back worked okay, but isn't an original idea at this point. Not as suspenseful as it could have been, possibly due to some phoned-in hand-waving in parts, but there's some solidly disturbing deaths/gore (two words: bus massacre). And it was a nice touch slipping the Texas Chainsaw flashbulb sound in there at the 28:30 mark when opening the smoker lid (example of sound: Not sure how many caught that. So some mild fun here and there, but ultimately forgettable. It didn't carry a lot of weight for me, but didn't feel like a complete waste.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


It needed more chase sequences, suspense and a sense of dread.

What I love about the 2003 remake is it’s a just a relentless nightmare the characters find themselves in whereas this just had so many moments that took me out of the movie.

The worst being how the millennials just pull out their phones and one guy says ‘try anything and you’re cancelled bro’ because of course these people love their phones and cancel culture so much that they don’t care someone just walked into their bus party wearing a mask, covered in blood and holding a chainsaw.

Just like last year’s Halloween Kills TCM just has gore and a lot of silly moments and it’s not really what I wanted from a film in this franchise.

Also bringing Sally back slowed the movie down and was a waste of time, really bad decision.


I didn't find this adequate or enjoyable.


It was OK if you don't go in with high expectations. I had none, so I quite enjoyed it. It felt low budget, like the Children of the Korn 666 straight to DVD version of a modern TCM sequel.

I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than Scream.


I also found it to be alright, but also thought TCM 2013 was okay. (Though only saw it once.)

You're never going to live up to the original. None of the sequels have, let's be honest. But there's also been less entertaining sequels.


Dreadful movie.
TCM should have ended in 1974.
