MovieChat Forums > Wallander (2009) Discussion > Final Episode: Hakan's Motivation? (spoi...

Final Episode: Hakan's Motivation? (spoilers)

I understand that the CIA's emergency retrieval plan for Hakan Von Enke called for the murder of Hakan's wife, Louise, and her false implication in the 1980's submarine fiasco (a rather weak plot point, but so it goes). Here's my question: what fed Hakan's hatred for Louise? The script makes mention of Hakan's abiding grudge against her based upon Louise's longstanding misuse of/offense against Hakan's invalid daughter, but never clarified.

Can anyone explain?


Louise made Hakon wear pantyhose and whipped him.


Hmm, but did she film it? Blackmail makes some sense, I suppose.


It wasn't really explained and I've read somewhere that the version we saw this week on ETV has 9 minutes cut from the British version. Maybe that motivation is better explained during the cut.
The Swedish version had no mention of a daughter, unless I dozed off, and I'm quite sure I did not.

Maybe only solution is to get the actual book. I'm curious about that too.


Right, I've read on these boards that PBS cut 9 minutes from "The White Lioness," as aired by the BBC. Just outrageous, really! Do you recall the moment during "The White Lioness" when Wallander discovers Meyer's car, despite the fact that we'd not seen Meyer's car, but only his motorcycle? I felt like we'd missed something and, apparently, we had. Worse, the lack of continuity eroded, further, an already weak episode plot.

I mean, really, what was Wallander doing nosing about some poor township on the outskirts of Capetown? I understand that the clues pointed there, but it felt absurd until, of course, he wandered right into the young suspect he sought. I mean, c'mon.

And under what circumstances did that young man lose his fingers? More, if he had a criminal record, why were the fingers left lying around the scene of Inga Hedeman's disappearance?

I plan to find, and view, the BBC versions of Season 4. Hopefully, they can clarify these and other questions.


Hi, bluesouptin! I decided to look around here one last time. *sniff!* I agree with all your questions about White Lioness, which wasn't a very good ep., anyway. It's as if they put Kurt in the most extreme opposite of his normal environment to emphasise his confusion,

Do you get Netflix? They have all 4 Wallander seasons and those may be the same as the BBC ones--I can't tell. Overall, I really didn't like this last season much. It was too depressing, even for this show! I wish the eps were more like "An Event in Autumn", "The Dogs of Riga" or "One Step Behind".

At least, this season, it was nice to see Baiba again.


First, I don't think that the CIA was part of the plan to rescue Hakan/ kill Louise. Hakan's friend was the only person who seemed to know about the plan. Wallander himself said that Hakan had nowhere to go because his friend had sold him out.

As for what ruined Louise's and Hakan's relationship:
A) I think that Hans was right about Hakan's spying driving a wedge between him and his wife. Hakan couldn't share anything with his wife, so if she ever seriously tried to be a part of his life, she stopped trying not long after their marriage.
B) Louise and Hakan may well have had issues over Signe, whom Louise seems to have ignored entirely.
C) Perhaps Hakan was never really that enthralled by Louise in the first place. After all, his plan to murder and frame her (and the fact that he actually carried that plot out) seems to indicate that he's hated, or at the least not cared about her at all, for years. Perhaps he married her simply as a cover and all she was good for was giving him the appearance of a family man. It's also possible that once, Hakan and Louise got along, but once he decided that his best shot at escape was to kill her and frame her, he distanced himself from her since even the most heartless person would have difficulty actually carrying out the plan to kill his wife if he didn't take pains to keep his distance.
D) Maybe Louise never loved Hakan. He didn't seem like a particularly cuddly man. Louise may have married his simply for stability or money or because she was pregnant or some other reason not related to love.


Louise and Hakan may well have had issues over Signe, whom Louise seems to have ignored entirely.

I was confused as to whether Louise was Signe's mother. Why wasn't Hans aware that he had a sister?

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)
