MovieChat Forums > Wallander (2009) Discussion > Beautiful cinematography

Beautiful cinematography

The cinematography on this show is amazing. Nearly every frame is a work of art.


I totally agree


I couldn't agree more. This entire series is shot like a motion picture. Amazing framing, composition, and use of focus. Minus the beautiful scenery in Sweden, the recent "House of Cards" on Netflix also performs a similar feat.


I agree; every scene is visually striking. Beautifully filmed!

I smell dark magic! It's a bit like burnt popcorn.


I think filming in Sweden gives it a different look then most shows as well. Even when a mystery is pretty by the book, the look of the show and Branagh's acting really elevate it above a standard mystery show.


It's so beautiful, it's almost hypnotic. The only problem I have is how long it takes him to get everywhere. He no sooner gets home then he has to bomb out again across the beautiful landscape! It's like playing Grand Theft Auto V without the mission pick-up cheat.

Nothing is what it seems. Everything is a test. Rule #1: Don't...get...caught.


I haven't IMDBed him yet but I think Anthony Dod Mantle is a big name DP - his name rings a bell. I'm sure he's made films.

"I apologise for my appearance, but I have had a difficult time these past several years."


I reckon Branaugh has a strong opinion about the blocking and setting up of shots as well.


Agreed. The scenery and the composition of shots in Wallander are lovely. I like how the sliver-toned light makes it clear that the movies were actually shot in Northern Europe.




Oh my yes. I hate to say it but i saw my only episode of Wallander on the last episode of the series regarding the sub. I have no idea how i missed it before, but i see so many series on PBS that I just picked ones i could watch.

But i am sorry i missed the other years of this series. How many were there? Did i miss that many years? )))

But i did notice the feel of how the series was filmed and the camera views of areas was amazing. Some so haunting, or peacful, or desolate depending on the mood of the series i guess.

But i love how a director uses the landscapes to help set the mood of the character or the series.
