Wallander's Grooming

On the Blue Bloods board (for those who might not know, a series about New York City police) a poster complained about Danny Reagan's stubble. Danny and the other detectives, however, are always dressed in suits and ties unless they are undercover, in which case they dress appropriately as pimps or drug dealers or terrorists or whoever they are trying to appear to be.

My husband is appalled at the way Wallander looks--unshaven and slovenly. I must say Magnus, although casually dressed, always looks good (Tom Hiddleston is gorgeous!), but I agree with him about Wallander. Do Swedish detectives NOT have a dress code? I prefer the American detectives' dress code, although I find Magnus' look acceptable, as he is neat and in business casual.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


My dear, have you not noticed the massive "trend" in men's stubble over the past few years? I truly hate to see a man dressed to the nines, yet still looking like he hasn't shaved in weeks! I agree with you and your husband, it is appalling! As for the rest of Wallander's dress code, I'm only assuming they want to showcase the fact that he is so intensely focused on his job that he doesn't think about wardrobe? Maybe? I also must mention how truly right you are about Tom Hiddleston looking gorgeous!! What a sense of style he has, and I don't think there is a way to ugly him up!


I agree about the beard growth--it really bugs me and it's getting old. One main reason it is so annoying on Branagh is that I love his face, despite his aging, and the beard covers it up. The same is true (often) for Rupert Graves' D.I. Lestrade in "Sherlock"--well-dressed but that damned beard!

Still, nothing was as bad as Martin Freeman's mustache in "The Empty Hearse"! lol Let's hope they don't go that route.

Tom Hiddleston is quite good-looking, but it would be boring if you had a police force full of gorgeous guys, impeccably groomed and dressed in designer suits. Meh! Perhaps Wallander is harking back to the rumpled, hard-boiled look of the old Humphrey Bogart films...? They could do worse than reference that. Just no Magnum P.I. or Miami Vice, PLEASE!

Nothing is what it seems. Everything is a test. Rule #1: Don't...get...caught.


Could the casualness of Wallander's wardrobe be a Swedish thing (or a region of Sweden thing)? Except for the super-rich, most of the people in the series seem to be a bit casually dressed, the way that people dress in hippie towns in the Western U.S. or rural towns almost anywhere in the U.S.

If anyone here has been to Sweden/ is Swedish, can you confirm that standards of dress are a bit relaxed in Sweden or in Wallander's part of Sweden in comparison to some countries/cities?


The guy sleeps in his easy chair many nights, falling asleep to the TV, after drinking a few glasses.

When his phone rings and wakes him up, it's usually to go check out some events. He barely has time to swallow some aspirins or stomach pills, let alone wash and shave.

Seems all he thinks or cares about is solving murders... who has time for wardrobe or grooming?


There have been a few occasions where he semi-bathes, but I would love it if they showed him taking a shower, shaving and then getting into a freshly made bed and sleeping for a day, then getting up and having an enormous breakfast. He would feel so good after that, LOL!!



I don't understand this post, this series isn't about beautiful people, it's about a committed detective that works too much and lives alone, has his own demons, witnesses grizzly crimes and faces serious danger. If this isn't good enough for you maybe you should watch more network American tv.



I really don't like these types of comments. Someone is at odds with something they are watching, in this case, the op is asking if Sweden police force does or doesn't have a dress code for the detectives. Then another commentator gets defensive and tells the person to do something base. In this case, the OP is not allowed to watch Wallander anymore nor any foreign shows, and no movies either. Because OP wonders whether Wallander is subject to a dress code, OP must now watch American TV, presumably not Columbo, eh, karaymond?

If you cannot handle an OP being confused, critical or disappointed about something, maybe you should only read Sunday comic strips. See how petulant and foolish that sounds?

Why does it have to be all or nothing?


SLOVENLY is the word! And too bad because Branagh can really look good. You should have seen the ORIGINAL Swedish WALLANDER series. Oy vey!!


He shaved in the last couple episodes. There is a movement to have more male characters sport stubble, as some people apparently find it sexy (it really depends upon the person; it suits some faces, but not others). There are modern situations in which I can see these things working; however, the trend of grafting stubble onto historical characters drives me crazy (think the latest version of Poldark, which claims to be so true to the novels, yet shows Ross with stubble all the time. It's particularly ridiculous because beards were not too fashionable during that period, and the novels often describe Ross shaving). It would be interesting to hear whether Swedish cops have a less stringent dress code.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


I think Wallender's grooming (or lack there-of) is an integral part of Menkell's development of the character. He is a very unhappy man, with few if any pleasures. He is perpetually worn out (Mankell implies this is not just physical but emotional and mental as well). The normal routines of life (relationships, friendships, health and grooming) are all very difficult for him. As much as I agree with many of the writers on this thread, that it would be great to see Kurt have a good night sleep, a good shower and a clean outfit, it would be out of character -- so let's give Mankell some poetic license!
