I feel sorry for Howard

Yeah, he was a controlling ass sometimes. And sure, he killed Emmett, but that was because of that stupidly conceived and threatening reason he gave about trying to make a gun. He was overprotective of Michelle and didn't wanna lose her like Megan. I also don't believe he killed that girl. And even if he did, we don't know the reason.

Either way, his shrieks and groans of pain made me feel kinda sad, as well as his final words: "stay with me" and how he said it in a desperate way. ;(


I KIND OF agree. But even though it's not crystal clear in the movie, I think it's fairly obvious that Howard is dangerous. I also think there's more than enough evidence to conclude he likely killed the girl.

What his character does have going for it that garners some sympathy is that his obsessive derangement has no sort of sexual nature. He clearly sees Michelle as a replacement daughter and not a partner. Same is def. true of the other girl. This shines through the most when during the game, it's revealed he can't even think of her as a woman.


it's always interesting when a filmmaker will play with your mind a bit and see if you can sympathize with the monster. it gives more dimension to the character, but you should be able to see through that. george carlin did a bit about this, about how loving your own children dearly doesn't somehow erase what a monstrosity you are with the comment that even serial killer john wayne gacy loved his children.

Larry Gaylord: "a billion people come in on a day off, and they don't flip out!"


This is what makes the character so great. We've all seen controlling psychos who lock up and murder women in movies, but there were layers to Howard's character that makes the audience not only hate him, but also fear him and feel sorry for him. Sure he was a dangerous and psychotic man, but there were some pretty sad reasons why he turned out that way.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


I dissagree; he was psychotic, and he was looking at Michelle as a woman all the time. During the first time they ate together, she touches the hand of Emett, and Howard reacted violently because he was jelous. Also when he killed Emett, he shave his beard and changed his clothes, invited her to eat ice cream like he was on a date. I'm sure he was looking to kidnap a woman to kept her prisoner in the bunker and then the alien attack happended.


He kept calling her a girl though.. and with the sharades kinda thing he even said little princess. I think he just went mad some time ago, that his daughter got into things with some bad guy or whatever and ended up getting killed or something because of it. Also would explain why he'd have kidnapped the other girl and why he was so desperate for Michelle to stay at the end. All he ever wanted was to have his little girl back and make sure she was alright, to keep her safe from the big bad outside world.


Howard explicitly said his wife took his daughter and left; she didn't get killed because of involvement with some bad guy.


This is what HE said...


This is what HE said...

On the website of the film, you can find the emails where the wife clarifies that she took Megan from him and ran off because she was afraid of him, saying she believed his preparation for this whole thing was nothing more than a "morbid fantasy." I honestly felt bad for Howard but I think he was ill. He obviously felt protective of her like he did of the daughter he lost. Also, we never know if he killed the girl. I mean, he killed Emmett but only after that story of making a weapon to take his gun from him. I think Howard had the best of intentions but he had some serious problems.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


"he killed Emmett but only after that story of making a weapon to take his gun from him"

Don't you think that it's an excessive reaction?


How do you explain the word, "Help" scratched into the skylight...with some drops of blood on it?


Blood wouldn't pool like it did if it was from the inside. May be a goof, but still, it may be intentional. That still wouldn't explain the earrings.


I think emmet killed megan, bridget didn't exist at all, and the help was scratched by the woman who tried to get in when michelle first stole howard's keys and tried to escape. emmet concocted the story about bridget who he invented when she showed him the earrings, which he likely neglected to hide after whatever he did to poor megan.

he helped build the bunker, so he conceded it would be a good place to take megan, but he's not as meticulous and careful as howard, so that's why the earrings were there. howard, meanwhile, likely suspected emmet, which is why he was constantly mean and overbearing, and eventually found it easy to kill him.

that would explain why howard would even show michelle the picture of megan in the first place.

I think the movie tried to paint howard as a monster, and of course he did plenty of questionable things, such as the way he kept michelle chained up in that room initially, his controlling manner etc. but it's not as simple as he's the main antagonist, I think emmet was the secret antagonist, aside from the aliens, of course.


The fact that Howard's need to control Michelle didn't come from a place of sexual desire doesn't make him any less of a creep.

Any person who uses intimidation, violence, and manipulation to control someone else's life is a jerk. Howard doesn't save Michelle out of the goodness of his heart. He says to her "It will be just you and me, the way it was always meant to be." He saves her because he wants her. She's there to serve a purpose, and he'll get nasty if she doesn't toe the line.

Can I feel bad for someone who is lonely and a bit of an oddball? Yes. But who knows what happened to drive away his wife and child?

Plus I'd say that the evidence of previous violence against a woman who didn't "behave" is a pretty good indication that he isn't a good guy.

Yes, you can say that wanting to be a "father" to someone is less repulsive than being a rapist. But being less of a bad guy does not make you a good guy. He kills Emmett because he wants Michelle all to himself. He probably killed Brittany (or at least put her in a position where she was killed). I understood Howard's emotions and his twisted logic. I was glad that the character was given such depth (and played by an actor like Goodman who can convey that depth). But I never once felt sorry for him.


^^^This. I could not have tried to say it better myself!


Desperately saying "stay with me", shortly after randomly stabbing a knife into the duct. The guy was a maniac. No wonder his wife took their child and left.


This is due to the Goodman's outstanding performance, because really, his character is a total sociopath...


Good points here from both perspectives!


Just to be clear: I can feel sorry for people with mental health issues (which Howard obviously has), but only up to the point where they are hurting other people.

And even people who lash out and hurt others can still earn my sympathy IF they show remorse. I think that it's very telling that Howard shows no remorse for killing Emmett. He's clearly relieved by the fact that he "had to" kill him, because it lets him be alone with Michelle. There's also the fact that the earlier victim (Brittany) clearly had something horrible happen to her. Even if we're really, really out there and say that her death was an accident, it didn't stop Howard from trying again. First his wife and daughter, then Brittany, and now Michelle. I think we can safely say that the women aren't the problem.

Goodman does an amazing job of portraying a man who is in pain, but to me his pain can never be more important than the pain of the people he chooses to victimize.
