MovieChat Forums > The Creator (2023) Discussion > Gareth Edwards is growing into a brillia...

Gareth Edwards is growing into a brilliant director

Personally loved it , Gareth Edwards is growing film by film into a great director and I hope Hollywood doesn’t destroy him before he makes the perfect film. The Creator I thought was brilliant considering he wrote it as well as directing it , we’re lucky to have someone so creative who loves sci fi. He always takes his time with character building which maybe isn’t to everyone’s taste but I think it gives his films lasting appeal.
Can’t wait for his next movie.


interesting take. and of course nothing wrong with that.

I felt NOTHING for the characters. thought they weren't built or delivered well at all. major plot points were tossed at us in a line or two of dialog, and we didn't care and they moved on. I thought the writing was not good at all.


I literally cried at the end of the Creator so for me he got me invested although I admit some of the choices were rushed I believe every film he’s done has been better. We should be championing new directors and let them grow film by film before Hollywood destroys them.


I was invested too, really good movie. I hope Gareth Edwards keeps making original scifi like this, but it's a shame this wasn't more succesful.


I don't have children and maybe that didn't implant the nudge to me that it could have? While I got the plot and udnerstood this kid was his child implanted with the real kid, I didn't FEEL it like I wanted to expect to. I felt that was a major human plot point... something to build up and then smack our hearts around with, but that never happened for me. It felt like they simply TOLD us, without SHOWing us the pain, confusion, torment of lost loved ones. I thought it could have been a really powerful main event for the characters, but TO ME, felt like it was delievered, they were shocked for 2 seconds (and I already knew it was coming) then right back to some action sequences. Just didn't work for me.

But, absolutely YES, I supported the work of newer director, going to imax first week it was out. Mujch prefer this kind of stuff over more mindless sequels.

Saw way too much star wars in this too. :D


I quite liked it as well, though I wouldn't call it brilliant since it had a glaring plot hole. But it was very moving and well shot.
