MovieChat Forums > Prey (2022) Discussion > waif girl beats predator with sticks

waif girl beats predator with sticks

no need for Arnold


Sticks and femininity..


she probably doesn't even break a nail the whole film.


Maybe she'll get the gunpowder and musket balls the whites are carrying and kill the predator with a homemade hand grenade!!!


Hollywood should go back through its history and revise all the old classics, now that we know that skinny little waif girls with sticks are the secret of military success. Instead of The Dirty Dozen and the Magnificent Seven and The Professionals, with all those toxically male tough guys and their evil guns, one tiny little girl could have accomplished those missions alone using a suitable tree limb. Boy, were we dumb. How could we not have realized that skinny little girls were so much more formidable?

Damn the patriarchy for keeping this hushed up for so long!


Did you even see the original?

Dutch’s muscles and firepower got him nowhere. It was his wits and using the terrain against the Predator that ensured his victory.


I think you should go watch the last 15 minutes of the film again. I agree the firepower was limited but the muscle thing is how he built all his traps and survived a fist fight with a predator and also was able to maneuver around the jungle like a superhero. Don't forget the trap that killed the predator might be a little tough for a chick to put together.

I think this concept is a little far fetched in a predator film, but none of these films ever make money anyway so whatever.


Yeah, Boyd Holbrook, Adrien Brody, and Danny Glover all got a shot at leading the franchise and they all more or less failed

They're all not roided out like Schwarzenegger, but they're at least average sized men

I don't get why having a chick protagonist is so controversial when they've already tried male leads so many times with underwhelming results. Let them try something different


The problem is they are pandering the wokers with this crap. They might have just made it about a midget transvestite in a wheelchair kicking the predator's ass, that would have checked more boxes on the wokers' list.


There was a chick protagonist in AVP, what a shit show that was. I think it's just silly to match the predator against a little girl. Arnold got his ass kicked by the predator and he was the best of the best. And I think the below post is right when he says they are pandering.
We give Danny Glover a pass for his ingenuity and old school cop attitude. But even that was borderline silly, I just always figured that Predator was a little slow, but in order for me to believe this new film I'll have to believe it's retarded.
Still, this film will underperform like every other Predator sequel and somehow we will all be amazed that they will try it all again in a year. Why do they think this particular franchise is ever going to be a giant money maker?


Women are not a logical choice in ANY monster movie scenario. Not in Alien, not in Terminator, not in Friday the 13th, etc.

Why is it acceptable that Ripley or Sarah Connor can outwit those monsters but the predator NEEDS to fight a manly man?

Besides, Arnold is not actually a credible action hero. Real commandos don't look like bodybuilers. Adrien Brody in Predators was more believable
