Alternate ending

" how long have we been out here" open and no stars are visible...well thats when i thought..OMFG... its been trillions of years..all the stars have died or space has expanded to the point everything is outside of our visible universe...theres ..NOTHING!... then a *beep* fish swam past and i felt cheated.


I'm not a happy ending fan cause in most cases they ruin a good film, but this was dark enough. The Earth is destroyed, mutated humans, few last survivors.You need some hope at the end of it all



I thought something like that, or they'd gone so far as to have left the visible universe behind.


how about this for an alt end:

they look outside its total blackness (no in the sea) they've travelled to the edge of nothing...They make the ultimate decision, let the reactor melt down, suicide, at least they wont get eaten and will take out those flesh eating beasts with them.

The camera zooms out from the interior of the bridge to the exterior of the ship. Dead silence and then a white flash fills the screen from the ship's explosion.

Then follows a massive explosion igniting the darkness that was surrounding them...everything is white

the big bang


Why not let the mutants live and evolve on the new planet. Perhaps they become decent again after more evolution.


I would have loved if Payton steered the ship out of the Milky Way, but people don't like bad endings or open endings. I don't mind what they did either.
