No More Pull-Ups

What is the meaning of this film's last line? How did you interpret it? Perhaps the rich folks, government people and lucky schmucks who managed to escape the flood are no longer being "pull[ed]" down by the 99% of the world that got exterminated in this movie, and can finally have their own little secret society? Or is it saying that the audience watching should have "no more pull-ups", i.e. illusions that climate change is not a reality.. or that John Cusack is not a bad actor?
Would like to hear your thoughts.

"YOU CAN'T PASS!" - Lord of The Rings


I interpreted it as she doesnt need to wear pull ups anymore, because of all the stuff they had been through she isnt afraid and will not wet herself over the littlest things. I came to this conclusion mostly due to the fact that I watched the movie...


I think it's more a case of, even if she does still need them, that luxury is no longer available to her and she's basically saying that she'll deal one way or the other. Or as Tallahassee(Zombieland) likes to say, "Time to nut up or shut up.". lol

I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.


Exactly .. that was my thoughts too.


My guess is she has seen so much horror and been scared sh*tless more than any one human should in a lifetime, she pretty much grew out of needing them.



@scooby1983 It means that she used to do kipping pull-ups, but then she realized how stupid they were so she won't do them anymore. Didn't you watch the movie?


The pull ups bit was pretty subtle -- not everyone would have realized what the reference was. I think the mom said something about wetting the bed, but it was in an undertone. There was probably all of 20 seconds about pull ups total in the movie, so chill.
