MovieChat Forums > Nurse Jackie (2009) Discussion > SPOILER last few minutes

SPOILER last few minutes

She definitely died cause in the last 2 minutes of last a episode as she just starts walking down the street a tall male dude walks in front of her with flaming green hair.....Charlie.... Who has also died.


She did die, but Zoey brought her back.
Whether she survives past that is left open to interpretation.
Either way it was the "death"of Nurse Jackie.
Now she is Just Jackie.


I'm pretty sure she died! She snorted an awful lot of heroin, and her system was used to painkillers and stuff, but heroin in that large of a dose is a killer, and she knew it.

Poyzunus 1


I agree


I agree with theflash71..........Zoey brought her back ......Jackie clearly looked at Zoey.....what happened after that is left open to interpretation .........and since that was the series finale....well, that kinda sucks.....


What happened after she acknowledged Zoey's words was that her eyes closed and went motionless. If you have Netflix, go back to the pilot and re-watch the opening moments of the show. Observe what is being shown and pay attention to the soundtrack. Take it all in and then report back.

I think the creators knew Jackie's character arc from the very genesis of the show.


I have netflix and yes I just binge watched the entire series because I'm an Edie Falco fan and didn't have Showtime........

I stand by what I said.......the ending is left to interpretation--the writers have been interviewed and said as much. Could she have died? Yes, she could have. Point is we don't know......


Re-watch the opening moments of the show. Listen carefully to the audio track. There's a key clue there.


So just post it ffs.



Yep. Gonna get off, have to get off from this ride...


That song playing in first scene and last was the theme for the movie Valley Of The Dolls. And we all know what happened to the addict in that story.


From the trivia section the writers had a different ending in mind where Jackie dies trying to save the guy chained to the bed. They changed their minds in the last season. So the arc (except Jackie just dying) was not known from episode 1.


I believe she died after Zoey brought her back. Going by pilot i believe they ended where it began to show where her story ends. It would be anti-climatic to think she just overdosed again.


Listen here, if Pulp Fiction taught me anything, besides to never leave your machine gun next to the toaster, it's that you'll die if you snort heroin and don't have a magic marker and a shot of adrenaline. And as they clearly stated, they were out of medicine. So Jackie is dead, plain and simple. No great loss, that woman was a human tornado.

I just learned how to use the "Spoiler" button...


right after the guy with the green hair walks across in front of her is the bike messenger who died in the first episode, he rides across her path.

I watch with captions, and the lyrics of the song, when it gets to the word "why" ... I think she died.


Thanks for the info, I will replay episode 1 to check it out. I also use cc, it's awesome especially when u get these actors that mumble or "soft talk"
I looked up other shows similar to this one and the one they gave as number 1 starred jada pinkett? It was terrible, didn't watch 10 mins of it and I always liked her acting. I think it mite have been more a problem with the storyline. Have any suggestions?



What kind of similar? There's Weeds, which is about a woman involved in the drug trade. Also a dramedy. There's Bloodline, which deals with a self-destructive, evil person.



Thanks for reply. I have the entire weeds several times thanks to Netflix, which is my altime favorite streaming app. I'll try bloodline. Have u watched Dexter or Breaking bad? They r a little intense and definitely may offend some but I thought they were great with very interesting storylines, amazing acting, wonderful character casting. Have to warn u that the language, sex, violence and crime content is very "raw" for a lack of a better word. Also am a BIG fan of early 1900 British aristocracy, such as Downton Abbey.

Thanks again and happy viewing.


Breaking Bad is my all time favorite show. I enjoyed Dexter until it really took a nosedive. Bloodline is excellent and I also highly recommend Olive Kitteridge. Here's my top show list:



Hello again TV traveler. So glad to hear u loved BB, me too. How about Sons of Anarchy? I know all these r shows that have been highly advertised. Sorry I can't think of any I loved that u probably wouldn't have heard of. Merlin? That's a light comedy/drama set in the King Arthur era. FIREFLY? Now that is my fav but it was only on for 1 season but it had such a loyal following that the fans kept writing about bringing it back that they couldn't do that but they did make a movie tying up some loose ends called Serenity. I DID watch bloodline. I loved it and hope they are gonna continue it.
Gonna check out the site u sent me....u really know your way around these web forums huh?


Have you checked out orange is the new black? It's. Quite good


Hi there! Breaking Bad is very much like Nurse Jackie where the main characterm is an anti-hero. You can help but love them but they do a lot of things that piss you off. Weeds is also a great suggestion, but the final season is just terrible. Does no just to the rest of the show. Shameless is also a fantastic show. Check it out if you get the chance. The original Shameless is on netflix, but I've been watching the American version.


The night the series finale aired I watched episode one beforehand. It was very interesting to see how the show changed in look and feel (the lighting, effects, and pace) from how it was in the end (and what stayed the same).


Just want to say thanks for all the suggestions. As u see I am a tv fanatic, love me some tv. I have tried a lot of ur suggestions in fact I have checked out all of them except the last few who posted. I will try shameless, olive kitteridge etc.

If u guys want to b blown away tho u need to see Firefly. I loved the whole entire show . From directing, acting to scenery, costumes and casting. Then watch the movie Sirenity. It ties the lonely 1 season up.

I am gonna check the pilot out again and then the closing episode after of Nurse Jackie.

Again, thanks for the feedback


Try Wentworth on Netflix


Thanks I definitely will.


Thought it sounded familiar. I have been watching that and just watched last season and now am waiting patiently for new season to come out. I really like it except when I first started watching, some of the similarities to "Orange is the new Black" didn't set so well like the second villain bothering the main character and "new" inmate was an older repeat inmate...can't remember names very well. It was the Russian who played the captain in Star Trek voyager vs the blond on wentworth but I got over that. I think it even has more action than OitnB


I thought I finished watching the series when I read this post. I thought what the hell are you talking about? The series ended with Jackie going to jail. I came here to vent a little on how the show ended but I read your post and I thought "did I miss something? So I decided to see what I assumed was the the last episode again, and as I was searching for Season 6 Episode 12, I realize there is a Season 7. I thought Season 6 was the last season. So thanks for letting me know I haven't finish watching the show. On the other hand, a bit annoyed I know a little on how it really ended - definitely not your fault.

P.S I like the show and also annoyed that it took me this long to discover it. Funny, I bought a DVD (can't remember which one) years ago and the first episode of Nurse Jackie came with it as a complimentary DVD. I just tossed it aside. I now regret doing that.


So I just finished it! Hallelujah. I will have to disagree with you. I do not believe she died. I think she lost consciousness and regained it. The guy with the green hair is just a coincidence. Nothing to do with Charlie.


She died. And she meant to. In the beginning, she is praying to God, to "Make her good." She opened her eyes only when she heard Zoe say "You're good." Then she began to seize.


Jackie did not "definitely die". Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. She was in the midst of trauma doctors and nurses, and even if the closing hospital had no drugs left, there were EMT vans just outside the door with all the stuff necessary to help her available within seconds.

The writer of the final episode, Clyde Phillips, stated in a Hollywood Reporter interview that "personally I think she's alive."

Nobody would know better than the guy who wrote it.
