MovieChat Forums > The Cleveland Show (2009) Discussion > In which episode did Cleveland allude to...

In which episode did Cleveland allude to Cosby being a sexual predator?

There was an episode (I think in 2011) in which Cleveland made a comment about Bill Cosby having a history of paying women to keep quiet about sexual assaults.

Does anyone know which episode that was?


There was an episode (I think in 2011) in which Cleveland made a comment about Bill Cosby having a history of paying women to keep quiet about sexual assaults.
Does anyone know which episode that was?
Cleveland doesn't say anything, but Bill appears as 'himself' as he appeared on Fat Albert saying “What you ought to be doing is sexually harassing a series of women and paying them to be quiet.”.
This happens in Season Two's The Way The Cookie Crumbles.


Lol, I meant to say that the Cleveland show, not just the character, made the comment.

But thanks, that was the comment I was looking for. I guess now that I hear it again, it was not very straightforward as to being an accusation against Cosby himself.


In comparison to the 9-12 seasons of Family Guy and seasons 8-10 of American Dad, this show is surpassingly great. No excessive gore, unnecessary cursing, 1 minute-long fillers where the awkwardness of the extended silence is the "joke."

I think the show is so well done honestly. I think people are judging it by their perception from the outskirts. I will admit I had the same preconception of the show when I first started seeing it. But over time of always having my TV on Cartoon Network.. I have grown to really love this show.

I call it a PG-13 Family Guy or American Dad. Good to watch with family together without someone wanting to turn it when Peter is being roasted alive by demonic cannibals in a Hellish Underworld. I mean really? That was so beyond what I have ever thought of. It really felt like Hell. Terrifying.

I'll stick with the puns and fart jokes


^ This got posted on the wrong thread but I love it's sentiment. I agree that the Cleveland show was always much more good-hearted and a family comedy. I've watched it through 3 times and really enjoy Cleveland Jr, Rollo and Donna episodes.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


Completely agree...


Season 1, ep 16. Just watched it tonight.


They allude to Cosby in Season 2 episode 2 as well, the live episode. That Bill Cosby was more fun before he started hating black people.
