MovieChat Forums > The Cleveland Show (2009) Discussion > I knew that woman was crazy from the fir...

I knew that woman was crazy from the first second.....

One of the characters was looking for a date in a bar, and picked up this crazy looking woman who spoke to her 20 cats on the phone who even hung up on her. Of course, the characters begun dating, and she began beating him up. She then began beating up his friends who realized what was going on, until she was beat up by their wives.... I guess the writers deserve some credit for showing her looking crazy from the get-go, instead of going the clichéd route where the person acts completely sweet and normal, and then slowly evolves into craziness...

You know you're simple minded when you fall for a random text message from a celebrity.....


No, they showed her being sweet at first, and then they showed her being violent.

It's so ironic that Ozzy Ozbourne, the Prince Of Darkness, is so damn adorable.


I half expected Donna to laugh when the guys mention that the woman beat all of them up. Pleasantly surprised she didn't laugh but reacted un rightful anger.

Drake is repetitive. He just raps the same thing over and over as if he is in an insane asylum!LOL:D
