MovieChat Forums > The Cleveland Show (2009) Discussion > Not as bad as the new Family guy episode...

Not as bad as the new Family guy episodes

I was skeptical about this show too until I gave it a chance. People don't get the humor in the Cleveland show. I am African American and I love this show. I get all the joke references because it has a lot of undercover black community jokes. Family Guy on the other hand has become one big mess. All the Characters are the same and Peter’s idiot comedy tactics have gotten old. His Wife had at least 4 Midlife crisis and everyone's personality is basically the same. American Dad is a great show just like the Cleveland show. They both develop their characters personalities during the first season. Like the Alien, he wasn't always a psychopath just like Cleveland's son didn't always have 2 personalities. The first episode is low on jokes but just like American Dad, it gets better and funnier.


I just made a post that echoes your statement a bit. I love this show, it's really great, and out of all of MacFarlane's shows this is the one that sticks to one plot throughout the episode. I just don't understand people coming on here to cry out for this show to be cancelled, 3 years after it has been cancelled. Make any sense? Not to me...
