MovieChat Forums > The Cleveland Show (2009) Discussion > The problem with the Clevelans show was....

The problem with the Clevelans show was.... was about a black family. This show being cancelled proves racism is still alive and doing well in American. For all you who thinks Obama in the White House actually means something. You're fools.

Family Guy and American Dad are the same show with slightly different aspects. Yet they're both still on TV. With Family Guy having been cancelled twice and brought back. Its shameful American would rather see see....

-a guy sleeping with all his "friends" wives
-an elderly pedophile abusing boys
-a dog trying to marry his owner's wife

than a funny family, just cause they're black. Wow being white does still help.

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.




I'm black as shlt and a huge fan of family guy

but this show just wasnt that funny.

I don't always post on, but when I do I make sure I'm hammered.


if you think this show was cancelled because it was about a black family, you are the fool.

TV studios, movie studios, radio, don't give a rats a$$ about black or white they care about green


Exactly. The problem with The Cleveland Show was that Seth was using the same formula over again and stretched it thin. It was Family guy and American Dad but black. It used the same type of family. The mom and dad, 2 sons and 1 daughter. There are 10000 types of families but Seth used this same, outdated formula and drove it to the ground.


You're absolutely correct. The scripts were much tighter than lazy Family Guy and American Dad, which has just become absurd after being a great show for years.

I've never heard a decent excuse for liking any of the other McFarlane shows and not Cleveland.


This show being cancelled proves racism is still alive and doing well in American. For all you who thinks Obama in the White House actually means something. You're fools.


The *moment* , the moment Obama got elected RACISM ended in the US.

Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton and Luis Farrakhan are the biggest losers and hate Obama the most. Money from organizations who paid them money to keep quiet and never call racism started going away. They called the bribery "putting him on the board (of directors)."

when Obama took office. No longer could ANYONE claim we are a racist nation. Black people had to pick themselves up by their own bootstraps and admit, racism---the excuse---was over.

Doubt me?
Jesse Jackson, in an EPIC hot mic mishap, is overheard saying "...Barack, talkin' down to black people (which goes against my agenda of ALL blacks ALWAYS face give us money).. I wanna cut his nuts off."

That's...that's BLACK JESUS! That's the POTUS ...Jackson hates him!
A black man hates Obama. That's ...that's something.
