MovieChat Forums > The Cleveland Show (2009) Discussion > This is so much better than Bob's Burger...

This is so much better than Bob's Burgers..

Why aren't they giving this more often?

Jesus would support Universal Health Care


by cdz6969 (Wed Feb 12 2014 22:54:10)

Why aren't they giving this more often?

Giving this? Are you perhaps trying to ask, why isn't FOX airing this more often?
If so, it's not airing because it was canceled.
They sold it into syndication in 2010 and had to keep it until they had the minimum amount of episodes needed for syndication.


No it isn't. I didn't think it was possible for Seth and company to make a worse show than Family Guy but I've underestimated his suckage massively. I've ready concluded that only a pleb, or a brain dead frat douche finds family guy humorous, but if you find this show funny I seriously question your mental status.




Family Guy is great


I enjoy Family Guy for the most part, and I am a member of Mensa.


So am I. See I can make up stuff too.


I am not making it up. I have been a member of Mensa of Western Washington since 2003. There are roughly 100,000 of us, so why is it so hard to believe that you'd see one on IMDb?


Members of mensa don't need to tell people they're members of mensa. And you think adding a link proves it? Then you're definitely not a member.


Members of mensa don't need to tell people they're members of mensa. And you think adding a link proves it? Then you're definitely not a member.

You obviously have never met a member of Mensa. Most of us are very pretentious :)


Big deal, I am a Navy Seal and an Astronaut.

Don't believe me? Look, I can prove it:

I also invented the iPod. See:

And, I don't mean to brag, but I nailed Ruth Bader Ginsberg last October:


^^ THIS!


It's not nearly as good as Bob's Burgers and it's been canceled. The show is dead.



As much as I like this show (even though everyone hates on it), I do like Bob's Burgers better.


a hokey normally non-speaking character? Ex: Stewie, the talking baby, Brian, the talking dog, & Tim, the talking bear?
And speaking of which-do you think this show would've made it without the stupid talking bear, or was it just written too lazily?


Bob's Burgers is infinitely better than this garbage. Has anyone ever laughed watching The Cleveland show?

Get on the scale! Get off the scale.


People actually like Bob's Burgers?


Well it's not getting canceled.

You just killed my girlfriend.....thats actually....kinda pissing me off....huh....


Not getting cancelled just means the white demographic is higher in America. Seriously, what black show DOESN'T get cancelled?

Although, I'm not a fan of the Cleveland show either because I find it incredibly racist. And Cleveland being some metro-sexual acting pussy that gets bullied by his kids is not reassuring.


Seriously, what black show DOESN'T get cancelled?
Black-ish still seems to be doing well in its second season.

The Jeffersons lasted 11 seasons & 253 episodes, Tyler Perry's House of Payne lasted 10 seasons & 254 episodes, Family Matters 9 seasons & 215 episodes, The Cosby Show with 8 seasons & 202 episodes, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air lasted 6 seasons & 148 episodes & A Different World lasted 6 seasons & 144 episodes.
None of those that I can tell were cancelled, they all ended of their own accord.


I like how you had to travel back 20 or more years ago for most of those. LMAO. You have no argument.


I like how you had to travel back 20 or more years ago for most of those. LMAO. You have no argument.
You asked "what black show DOESN'T get cancelled?" not "What black show that aired within the past few years wasn't cancelled?".
You didn't stipulate the parameters on what shows could be listed so I don't see why the five older shows I mentioned which clearly enjoyed long runs are off the table. It's odd you're dismissing them outright simply because they are from the 1980s & 1990s.
I was mistaken about The Jeffersons, evidently it was cancelled out of the blue by CBS but from what I can find the others all ended on their own terms and weren't cancelled prematurely (as I presume you're implying) by their respective networks.

If you'd like to focus on more recent examples that haven't had time to have extensive runs, Empire is a HUGE success for FOX.
I already mentioned Black-ish which ABC seems perfectly happy with, also on ABC, How to Get Away with Murder is enjoying a second season. True it's not entirely a "black show" but its lead is of course Viola Davis produced by Shonda Rhimes.
I can't imagine Trevor Noah's Daily Show or Larry Whitmore's Nightly Show will be thrown off Comedy Central anytime soon. Speaking of Comedy Central, I believe Keegan-Michael Key & Jordan Peele ended their show Key & Peele & it wasn't cancelled by CC.


I'm not reading pointless essay's from losers who have no life. And just because it's in purple, doesn't mean it's correct. Go outside...exercise. LMAO!


Two short paragraphs is an essay? They've certainly changed the criteria for essays since I was in school but that's not the point.
It's a shame your reading comprehension is so low that you're unable to continue the conversation. Was it the big words like "stipulate" & "parameters" ?

Anyway, I'm not correct because the text is purple I'm correct because I'm correct & actually it's not even that I'm correct. You asked a question & I answered it by providing examples. That's pretty much the extent of our exchange.
Have a nice day.


I DIDN'T READ THAT ONE EITHER. I'm not reading long useless crap from anonymous losers trying to debate a freaking a cartoon show. LMAO! Get outside.


All of your examples are excellent but what I care about is the total air time, lines of dialog and their average pay of black actors compared to others and that is drastically behind their 13% representation in the society. Keep your eyes open and you'll still see blacks as tokens with non-speaking roles, killed off after their first lines and just background art or writers picking time periods where it's easy to keep blacks out of the timeline. The Minions was a perfect example of typical treatment in big screen movies where it was 1968, they were in the U.S. during the peak of the civil rights movement, MLK's final months his assassination and some of the worse rioting the U.S. had ever seen yet there were only 6 blacks seen as background when the giant minion walked through the city.

Larry's show ratings are in the basement (about 600k viewers compared to the Colbert Report viewership of over 2 million in the same time slot) and I can't imagine CC letting that situation last. I love Larry's show, which gives voice to many things you'll never hear or see in mainstream news, but I'm very worried about it's survival. Then again the Colbert Report numbers was probably way above anything else that had been in that time slot so maybe 600k is acceptable. I hadn't seen numbers from 2000-2010. There is a lot more competition for viewers now.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


I chuckled a couple of times.

You just killed my girlfriend.....thats actually....kinda pissing me off....huh....
