Nathan Fillion

Were the references just to rumors about Fillion's supposed baldness, or did The Cleveland Show just manufacture something here?


well they always pick on some people on the McFarlane shows. Seth himself has admitted its always just random and nothing against the particular stars. but yeah this one was funny cuz they kept bringing him up. lol

oh and just cuz i wanna brag...i met and had a photo taken with Nathan (and Jewel Staite) at my local comic-con on yesterday. he actually called me sir, which was odd cuz he's older than me by a few years. lol

but us canadians are polite so i guess that was his sign of respect. :P


Did you talk of hockey?!?!?!

Sorry, just kidding


our "conversation" literally went like this..

i walked over and said hello, he said i could stand between them, we posed and i said thanks and walked away.

i tell ya, not much time to do much during those photo shoots. lol
