MovieChat Forums > The Cleveland Show (2009) Discussion > So unemployed people are all slobs? Reac...

So unemployed people are all slobs? Reactionary garbage...

Seems like Cleveland Show is staffed with a bunch of libertarian Ron Paulites who think that people who are unemployed are all lazy slobs who want to "tax the rich and go on vacation".

What a ridiculous episode. I know that we're supposed to just pretend that these shows have no real message but c'mon. The libertarian politics of the show are getting less subtle. The biggest slip was having Cleveland's mom a libertarian and Freight Train saying "I love you and your libertarian politics".

Why are so many writers on these shows and The Daily Show (Jon Stewart admitted that most of his writers are libertarians) lately?



Sorry bro, communism is a pipe-dream, socialism is as dead as monarchism, Occupy failed spectacularly and the mainstream acknowledgement of this 1% "class warfare" dribble is gonna go back under the rug and get forgotten when (not if) the economy recovers in a few years. Go cry about the Indians or something.


Yeah they're just sweeping it under the rug in Europe and even with the economy recovering Americans will see an increase in their wages that they lost since 1968! Yeah, sure, all that will just go away.

What's a pipe dream is people like you who think that libertarians or right wing ideals are growing in the mainstream. They're not but they're still highly influential on the net and by corporate big whigs who use it to promote their crony-ism.

Get a life.


Yeah they're just sweeping it under the rug in Europe and even with the economy recovering Americans will see an increase in their wages that they lost since 1968! Yeah, sure, all that will just go away.

Precisely. Sure, the Marxism fad will pick up again during the next recession, but fads come and go.

What's a pipe dream is people like you who think that libertarians or right wing ideals are growing in the mainstream.

Newsflash, right-wing views are the mainstream. Sure, an occasional bone gets tossed to the left when they start getting uppity (Social security, Medicare, etc), but that's about it.

Give it a rest, bro.


At least you admit that the news is tilted right ward and not liberal.

And it is not a fad. The economy will never recover to the level where the average worker will get his share back. Wages have been declining since the late 70 and people have been financing their way into the middle class, especially in the US. People are realizing this now more than ever.

Listen "bro", you need to give it a rest because it's clear you do not know what you are talking about.


youre delusional


Wrong poster, the other guy is the Marxist.


so witty.
