MovieChat Forums > The Cleveland Show (2009) Discussion > Last night's episode was actually good (...

Last night's episode was actually good (Pins, Spings, and Fins)

I only watched it because Family Guy and American Dad where reruns and I needed some animation in my Sunday night. I was pleasantly surprised! I actually chuckled a few times, and couldn't predict the ending like I usually can for this show. I love making Donna the kind of Mom that loves her kids but still kind of resents them for being stupid and obnoxious. It's a shame the two writers that did the episode haven't written any other episodes for this season, then maybe the show would actually be watchable more often. I stopped watching after the absolutely horrid episode with Nicki Minaj and a bunch of wrappers... Almost died of second-hand embarrassment for cartoon characters


Yup. I agree. I also watched it for the same reasons too. Needed me some animation.

But anyway, yeah, i had some good laughs, like "man, this place looks scary...BYE!"

or Holt's Nicholson.


I watched on HuluPlus today after a sad movie, needed something light. This was literally the first time I've enjoyed the show. Hope someone makes use of this eepisode's writers!


I think this show has been hitting on all cylinders for the last few weeks.

Rallo: What's your deal with kids?


I agree. The last few eps have been hilarous. That bowling alley worker was hilarous. And Cleveland's "Hot in Cleveland" I was about to delete this from dvr after watching it for 3 years but the last couple of eps have been hilarous.


You made another kid's day Carl. Go ahead and take a hundred dollars from the register.
