MovieChat Forums > Obsessed (2009) Discussion > Sharon is the biggest bitch in movie his...

Sharon is the biggest bitch in movie history

I've seen a lot of unlikeable characters but Beyonce's character takes top spot. She made this movie unbearable because of how much of a headache she is to watch.

Earlier she showed signs of jealousy earlier about Derek working with a female temp then when she meets Lisa, she's already insecure and threatening her husband and Lisa hasn't done anything at this point. She's got trust issues when she's got no reason to be distrustful to a spouse like Derek who has no history of infidelity. I would've looked past this but she gets worse later on.

When she showed up at the hospital, she went from a caring housewife to a agressive loon upon meeting the cop and constantly rudely interrupting both the cop who was asking questions and Derek who was answering because she thought she was entitled to some attention, the cop and Derek should've told her to STFU while they continued with the questions.

And at the house, this is where she really irked me. Wouldn't let her husband speak and tell his side while he was being calm while she was shouting, throwing dishes(did she forget her son was sleeping) and dismisses anythig he has to say then she had the audacity to throw him out of his own house. He pays the bills, works for the family, sends her flowers each week, given her no indication that he's a cheater and she had no proof that he cheated yet she punishes him by throwing him out even going as far as being cold hearted by telling him to go to hell and bringing up divorce. She was even getting a kick out of him coming by to pick up his son knowing she's got him by the balls and the sad thing is, he had to beg like a dog to get back into his own house.

Lastly, upon finding out Lisa is crazy and that her husband was telling the truth, she doesn't even bother apologising to Derek for being the worst wife and for treating him like garbage, instead she makes that face like she wants to kill him and he's sleeping on the couch in the next scene instead of his bed, really, she's still punishing him even though he was innocent the whole time. How cold can she get?

The ending would've been better if the annoying loud mouth died with the crazy stalker by falling from the attic and onto the glass table just before the chandelier drops on them. Once Derek arrives, the cop lady tells him his wife is dead, he starts crying but not out of sadness, but out of happiness and starts singing "ding dong the witch is dead" with the all the cops joining in, movie would've gotten a better rating.


I 100% agree. She was awful. I only saw this movie once when it first came out and all I could think was how horrible of a wife Sharon was. If she had reason to doubt, like it had been revealed that he had cheated before, then it would have made more sense, but it was never implied that he was anything but a loving, faithful husband. After all this was over, I would've divorced her ass if I was him. There was literally nothing redeeming about her character.

You may wonder why I'm on this board after so many years without watching it and I have an explanation. I just watched No Good Deed and it reminded me so much of this movie (although slightly better) that I decided to check it out here on imdb. Like I said, I only saw it once and years ago and although I don't remember much, I do remember not liking Beyonce's character in the least bit.


No argument here. Lisa was far more likable.
