Really Good Movie

I love to stumble onto movies and find myself utterly impressed with them. Thats what happened with this film. Benjamin Bratt really surprised me with his talent and lock on the character to this film. And it told a story from the Latino prospective examining gay lifestyles, machismo alpha male mannerisms, and so forth.
Also Erika Alexander was a welcome face and a well written character exposing a bit about her to let you know she has her demons but withholding enough so that focus of the film remains about father and son and their dynamic.

Highly recommended


It was a really good movie. Hats off to Peter Bratt for his writing, and especially his directing. Hell of a job.


I too stumbled onto this movie. And have seen it twice. So many issues were exposed as to how one lives their life. I liked that family can lead to acceptance. And everyone loves the soundtrack. Love songs for the expressions of love, old school soul for the happy times and rap for the teens. But the music also hid the ugliness of the situation. The music made you pay attention to the drama, forced you to think about what you were seeing. Not just be carried along for the ride.

she loved poetry and romance, but she hit the glass ceiling at birth


Definitely agree, after a rocky start for me, I absolutely loved it. Great acting, and although I thought it spiraled into a lot of stereotypes, it was still quite affecting.

I loved the aunt and uncle that took in Jes - what amazing, loving people.


Loved the movie too. Benjamin Bratt is awesome.

Jes was such a sweet kid yet his dad kicked him out. 40% of homeless youth are LGBT. A terrible thing to get kicked out, isn't it?

Many gay kids don't have a loving Aunt and Uncle to save them.
