MovieChat Forums > La Mission (2009) Discussion > Three Beautiful Things About This Movie ...

Three Beautiful Things About This Movie on BluRay

"La Mission" looked pretty good and sounded GREAT on BluRay. Earlier comments about "cheapo digital" may be a bit unkind. So, here are three beautiful things about the film that I believe overcame any perceived or actual budget and technology limitations.

(1) The Cruise - with Che and Ana beaming in a parade of those glorious, glittering automobiles, the slow motion sequence with the old man and the rose, accompanied by Thom Bell's sweet "Stop Look Listen" by The Stylistics - wow! Nostalgic and sentimental, and it had me in tears.

(2) Jesse's Lover, "Jordan", Max Rosenak. What a gorgeous young man! He seemed very comfortable in the role. I would have liked to see more between him and Jeremy Ray Valdez. In any event, I hope we get to see more of Mr. Rosenak!

(3) Background on the custom music for the film is included as a BluRay "Special Feature". The music seemed perfect for the story, and I was delighted that the film blended classic R&B tracks with Mark Kilian's sophisticated score.


I totally agree about point #1. I was about to post about that myself until I saw your post. It was an enchanting scene. It reminded me about movies from the '70's where they would have an action sequence with just music playing over - a very effective technique for relaying emotion between characters without dialogue. It was dream-like and very sentimental. I imagine it's where Ana realized she was falling in love (or had fallen in love) with Che.

Good eye!


That was a really great scene!

But I think you both mean Lena, she had the relationship with Che. Ana was played by Talisa Soto and Lena was played by Erika Alexander.

"It's only so far you can spread stupid before the world just goes to hell." -Lafayette Reynolds


I thought The Cruise was the best scene in the movie.


Thanks for posting this. I know it's been awhile, but I wanted to chime in too.

(1) I remember seeing guys crowding parking lots with their cars on Friday nights. This movie brought that to life for me and made it a real, breathing experience in my mind. I loved it.

(2) I liked Jesse and his bf. They were nice and pulled off their characters very well. For me, the only downside to the bf was his mother.

(3) I absolutely loved the music too. I could not resist going to YouTube and listening to some of the songs again. Brought back sweet memories.


YES! When Lena came out the door and saw Che and the Stylistics song was playing, my heart melted! This was my favorite part. The cruise scene was great! The song brought the scene full circle!
