MovieChat Forums > The Muppets (2011) Discussion > MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT! I hated the film....

MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT! I hated the film......

I have been a huge fan of the Muppet movies growing up but I felt this movie which was written by Jason Segel<---(AWFUL MISTAKE)was so terrible that I couldn't believe what I had witnessed for an hour and forty three minutes. Overall, the film was boring and not as comical as the other Muppet movies. I didn't comprehend or admire the concept of a muppet having a human brother. It wasn't explained why Walter lived with a human in the first place. If anything why didn't they simply start the movie off with Walter living with his own muppet family and then continue it from there. I kind of wished the plot started off differently without adding the ridiculous love story between Jason Segel and Amy Adams who were named Gary and Mary <-----WTF! No creativity at all!

Reasons why I thought the film was a major disappointment:

1. I thought Jason Segel and Amy Adams ruined this movie by singing odd songs throughout the entire film. The singing was so annoying and out of place...End of story! And Yes the muppet movies did have some singing but what on earth were they thinking? There were scenes where I felt didn't even need a number.

2. Amy Adams looked very uncomfortable acting in this movie around the muppets. Her facial expressions were giving me the impression that she was trying too hard to look happy. She acted terrible in the film.

3. It did not feel like a Muppet movie! I don't care if anyone disagrees. It was lacking something and we didn't hear enough from each muppet in the movie.

4. Jack Black was chosen as the celebrity host for the muppet show. I was so confused about that one. Out of all the celebrities acting today, they chose freaking Jack Black for that particular role? It made me scratch my head, roll my eyes and really just want to stop watching the movie.

5. Walter was actually an interesting new muppet but he didn't need to have a human brother. It just didn't make any sense.


First off have you ever seen a Muppet movie or show? They are filled with tacky out of place musical numbers. This movie did a a really good job of not only honoring that but also poking fun at it at the same time.

As far as the actors go you're entitled to your opinion but you should realize the cheesy persona of the human characters was intentional. One of the human characters actually said "maniacal laugh" instead of actually laughing.

If you're actually complaining about the position of the celebrity cameos in the movie you're view must be pretty shallow.

As far as your problem with Walter being related to a human that's just strange that's a big issue for you. You can suspend your disbelief for the entire Muppet concept but you can't suspend it for that? Ok then.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion about a movie, everyone has different tastes, personally I could go either way on the movie but your reasoning is very strange.

I'm no meteorologist, but I'm pretty sure it's raining bitches.
-Cleveland Brown


I don't get why you say my reasoning is strange when I.explained why I felt the movie was horrible. You may have enjoyed this film but I certainly did not. I know that I am not the only person who thought this was a poorly written movie.

The way Jason Segel and Amy Adams acted in the movie especially the awful singing was just completely ridiculous. How can you not see Amy Adams did a poor job acting in this movie. The other muppet movies are ten times funnier than this one. The maniacal laugh joke was not even that funny.

For me watching this movie one time is enough. It was a total waste of time.


I love the original Muppet Movie from the '70s but I have to say I did not like this new movie at all. I was shocked because after all the hype I expected a great flick. It's not funny. The songs are weak. It strains to be entertaining but fails. I know a lot of people love it and I'm sure everyone involved tried their best, but the original was so much better. I really can't comment on the series as a whole, but this new film was not good. I just saw it on Starz On Demand and was really looking forward to it. The scene where the portraits came to life was creative and the reprise of Rainbow Connection was nostalgic, but other than that this film doesn't cut it. Sorry folks.


I didn't like the movie at all and was really disappointed.....Have been a fan of the Muppet movies and show my whole life. Was really looking forward to seeing this when it first came out. Just didn't get around to seeing it until it came out on ON DAMAND. Have to say I'm glad I didn't waste my money. The movie seemed cheesy and lame. Something was missing


I think jason Segael about him self and Walter and not about Kermit and the rest of the Muppets themselves. They were secondary characters and that's isn't what the Muppets is all about. The Muppets are the stars and human characters are the secondary/background characters. I saw this to see the Muppets, not Segal and Walter, it just fell flat and was not any good. Also Man or Muppet SUCKED...the song from Rio should have won the Oscar.

By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.


Jason Segal totally made the movie about himself and Walter while the main muppets were put on the back burner. I agree the Man or Muppet song was TERRIBLE! I thought it was the most stupidest song I have even heard in any muppet movie.

How can anyone seriously like this movie. I can't believe it was rated 7.4! Let's face the truth, It was tragic!


I took you seriously up until you stated your opinion as fact. I absolutely found no fault in this movie. Sucks that you didn't like it, but you're really the only person I've talked to that thought so. So, I won't face whatever "truth" you think you've stumbled upon. The movie's entertaining, well done, the songs are catchy, the cameos are hilarious, and you know what? It made me feel like a little kid again. Not much can do that for me these days. That's how I can seriously like this movie. You can list all the reasons you hated it, but I still ask how anyone could hate it AND call themselves a Muppet fan.


"You can list all the reasons you hated it, but I still ask how anyone could hate it AND call themselves a Muppet fan."

You make no sense. As a Muppet fan I am not obligated to like every single muppet movie. If I hated this installment, then that means I hated it! What's more amusing is that you felt this movie was funny and the songs were catchy. You need to rewatch this movie again!


Yep. Rewatched it yesterday. Still funny, still catchy. I never said you had to love every Muppet movie to call yourself a Muppet fan. I said THIS movie, for me, was so good I question how anyone who loves the Muppets could NOT love it.


Because it really wasn't about the Muppets. With was about some fat guy and his stupid brother.

By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.



My main problem with this movie is that the Humer was 100% Fourth wall.

that gets old VERY fast.

I hated a lot of the original songs too. (pictures in my head is the exception) Only "Life's a happy song" came close to sounding like a muppet song (Sesame Street muppets, that is), and it wasn't even SUNG by the muppets. it was sung before any of the main muppets were even hinted at.

I did not hate this film, I just didn't find it all that spectacular.

How you can make the world a better place:
Don't shop at Wal-Mart.


I agree, it was missing a certain spark. I felt like I was watching the Moopets the whole time--close to the real characters, but not quite. I didn't realize Jason Segel wrote it. Interesting.

Taking back IMDB message ignored Troll at a time.


I 100% agree with you on the random singing and the human leads. They ruined the film for me.

I got the tendency to slip when the nights get wild



So you hate a great movie, you needed to tell us because?


You are on this thread because?


Because I clicked on this thread instead of the one I wanted to.


Well I'm not sure if I believe that lol but this is a forum so anyone can discuss whether they liked or disliked the movie.
