MovieChat Forums > Doctor Strange (2016) Discussion > Box Office: 'Doctor Strange' Tracking Ah...

Box Office: 'Doctor Strange' Tracking Ahead of 'Ant-Man'

I see your Quantum Realm and raise you one Dark Dimension.

Come as you are, as you were...


That ain't sayin'much as Antman's opening wasn't anything to write home about.


Ant-Man's opening exceeded tracking and the film had very good legs. Not bad for Marvel's most troubled production to date.



It ended up making $519m on a $130m budget, not bad at all! Marvel would probably be happy with similar numbers for DS. It does need to make a little more since the budget is $35m higher.

Arthur, put the kettle on and dig out those lemon hand wipes.


I hope it tracks higher to Guardians of the Galaxy's numbers in the coming days.


I have a feeling it'll be an okay opening, then (I'm certain it'll get good reviews and word of mouth), people will hear how amazing the visuals are and the film and general and it'll be a must see in IMAX, more would join in. Second weekend, maybe 5% higher than first


By the way I'm saying amazing visuals because I saw the exclusive myself in IMAX and it was seriously jaw dropping.


Hi Disney plant! enjoying that Mickey Mouse Money? :p

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!


I hope it tracks higher to Guardians of the Galaxy's numbers in the coming days.

Doubt it gets that high. As Nov 4th gets closer and the marketing gets more intense, the tracking could trickle upward. If it does, an OW near Thor 2 isn't out of the question. Still I am expecting $55-65m.


Forbes predicts it will end up between $70 and $80m OW:

Arthur, put the kettle on and dig out those lemon hand wipes.
