
This is probably my least favorite of the Swedish verion's trilogy but its still better then a 6/10 imo...

Anyone else feel this movie deserves higher then being in the 6's?

First was best for me, but 2nd and 3rd where good also (just not AS good as the first).

I was curious after watching these movies again for the 3rd time and was wondering what people on here rated it. it looks like since I was last on these forums that the swedish movies ratings have gone DOWN quite a bit. Is this because the NA version came out and the fans of each are going back and forth rating the other low?

I thought the NA version was good but not quite as good as the Swedish version, still very good though, I liked em both alot (which is rare, usually when foreign flicks are remade they are garbage, this was actually good).

What would you give this 2nd movie in the trilogy out of 10?
For me its a 8/10 personally.


I enjoyed it. I watched it back to back with the first (two nights in a row) and thought they were both great.

