MovieChat Forums > Flickan som lekte med elden (2010) Discussion > SPOILER!!!! Survival Question SPOILER!!!

SPOILER!!!! Survival Question SPOILER!!!

We're supposed to believe that Zalla survived being turned into a human marshmallow?!!! Sorry. That's just plain stupid, IMO.

"Sometimes the right thing to do is the wrong thing" -- Jason Stackhouse


Considering that the gasoline would have burned off before the fire hit his skin, if someone had extinguished the flames quickly, there would be a chance of survival, although rehabilitation would have been long. That's where he got the foot injury.


Does the movie SHOW anyone extinguishing the flames quickly? No, it does not.

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov


Does the movie SHOW him burning to death quickly? No, it does not.
