Change Of Aspect Ratio

Does it bother anyone else when the first of a trillogy is filmmed in one aspect ratio (2.40:1) but then the sequels are both shot differently than that (in 1.85:1 for the last two films)?

It bothers me because once I've seen the first film, the look of the world is established in a certain way. The anamorphic widescreen is a strong part of how the world is presented to the viewer to give them a feel of it.

But then, in the second and third part the image becomes much taller - the aspect ratio reminds me more of light hearted films; comedies, mild dramas.

Perhaps it shouldn't be an issue, and maybe it isn't for most people, but as a visual person it bothers me greatly. I feel there should be certain rules when doing multiple movies for a series. It's not as if each of the stories in the "The Millennium Stories" came out differently like novel, then comic book and then a coloring book. I'm not sure if that's the best analogy, but it's what came to mind at the moment.

So that's my only beef right now.


The 2nd and 3rd films were made for TV. The extended TV Version of the first film is also in 1.78:1 (with more information on the top and bottom and less on both sides) .
