lisbeth salander

I read the whole millenium serie and while reading I never imagined lisbeth salander like she's shown in the movie.One movie for each book is not enough.each movie is too long and still does not tell the whole story.This millenium serie must be done would give the whole story and the best joy.Millenium serie is great story.


The problem is the pool of actresses 5 feet tall and 88 pounds is pretty small. Rapace might not look like the Lisbeth from the books but for the three movies she became Lisbeth.

Most 700 page books made into a movie have to leave a lot out. There are extended versions of the books and previous posts on the board have talked about them and the additional material they cut out for the theatrical releases. I can't see anyone putting up the money for another series.

This is one of those times when we have to accept that books and movies are different mediums even when based on the same material.


If you watch wallander series and compare what's told in wallander series to millenium you can see it's more exciting and may be more successful.

Last time I watch the old series of tinker tailor soldier that bbc made at that time.and I read the book too.millenium series have stories within stories.I do not imagine any director that can tell all story in a single movie or sequels.
