Questions about the story

I really enjoyed the movie but I had a few questions

Maybe I missed them in the movie or wasn't paying attention or maybe they're subtlety mentioned in the movie but more so in the idea but...

1)In the beginning of the movie, Lisbeth has been traveling, she had lots of money...whats the driving force to make her return? Was it the nightmares and she wanted to finish what she started or what?

2)I know she came back and put her hands on Bjurman's (sp?)gun but how did her father/government know that she was back or was going to come back...I feel like she came back to Sweden, she was nosing around, grabbed Bjurmans gun...then they were like well lets make a conspiracy around her...

thats it maybe I didn't see these parts or just missed them, or im an idiot

thanks for your help


1)In the beginning of the movie, Lisbeth has been traveling, she had lots of money...whats the driving force to make her return? Was it the nightmares and she wanted to finish what she started or what?
We had the discussion before on this forum. For me she doesn't have to have any special reason to come back. I might travel, but at some point I want to go back home.

In the cinema cut it might seem that she went back to deal with Bjurman. I had seen the TV cut first and there there is certainly no special reason indicated other for her return to Sweden, so one can just assume that this is where she wanted to live.

2. In the movie it was Bjurman who told Zala and Niederman that he has gun with Lisabeth's prints. (It's different in the book.) I'm not sure what you mean by "government". The government wasn't very interested in her whereabouts as long as she did not become a suspect in the murder cases.


It seemed clear to me - from the film, I've not read the book - that she returned specifically to see Bjurman. Lisbeth hacks into his computer and sees that he is intending on having the tattoo she gave him removed, and she finds out that he has not been posting her pyschological evaluations as regularly as she insisted - something that she requires to have her "competency status" (and therefore her freedom) re-established.

It is co-incidence that her father and brother are involved with Bjurman, and that she threatens Bjurman with his own gun just before it is used for the murders.


Yes, I understand why. The film I have in my mind is the TV cut; the film you have seen is the cinema cut, and they are VERY different in this regard. In the TV cut we see Lisabeth on her vacation in, signing papers related to Wasp Enterprise, walking on the beach with a guy. Then one day in the morning she kisses him goodbye and comes back to Stockholm. Here she go to look at an apartment, buys it. Then she does some shopping for her new apartment, and during the unpacking of her things she comes across the disk with the word "Bjurman" on it. This is the rape she recorded with hidden camera. That makes her thinks she should check out what Bjurman is up to.

But the cinema cut gives the impression that she came back specifically for Bjurman. What can I say, watch the TV cut. IMO it's better.

