Hair hair hair

Ok, we all agree that Merida's hair is great and you spent all this time and money animating it. But the only thing I could think throughout the whole movie is WOW LOOK, COOL HAIR and it ended up being annoying and distracted me from everything else I was trying to pay attention to, like the plot! Getting into the movie was difficult because all I kept seeing was hair. Bouncing hair, big hair. Flowing hair, red hair, curly hair, hair hair hair.


The hair was the best part about Merida and this movie. I can't blame you.


I liked the hair and the movie. Piper Reese's hair looks just like it to me except she straightens the front...just add the red and it's good 2 go. Look at the first few seconds

The movie does have one of those adventure things like Nemo where watching it over and over is hard once you know what happens since the journey doesn't have as much going on like in Frozen.


The movie does have one of those adventure things like Nemo where watching it over and over is hard once you know what happens since the journey doesn't have as much going on like in Frozen.
I can watch Finding Nemo over and over again and still enjoy it just as much as the previous time I watched it. I can't say the same about Frozen. To each their own, though.
Brave is garbage in comparison to both Finding Nemo and Frozen, though.


I liked her red hair, but they JUST GAVE HER TOO MUCH OF IT.

Scottish people tend to be gingers and have red hair. I really think they could have given her thinner or toned down hair, just not tangled and bouncing all over.

In fact, Disney in general tends to like hair a lot:

- Ariel had huge flowing red hair and giant bangs, they were bigger than her waist, lol
- Jasmine's was so long and so heavy, it was like "how does she even hold her head up?"
- Gizelle from enchanted had huuuge red twisted tangly hair (at least she got hers cut later in the movie)
- Elsa had huge hair on top her head, but at least it was not dragging behind her
- Rapunzel.....well yeah, a lot of hair. But it goes with the Rapunzel story though
- mother Gothel had huge bouncy tangled hair also

Many disney princesses have hair that is bigger than half their body, IMO.


Red hair is supposed to be the thickest of all hair and curly hair makes it look even more thicker than it already is.
