MovieChat Forums > Brave (2012) Discussion > Which is worse - "Brave", or "Frozen"?

Which is worse - "Brave", or "Frozen"?

Of course neither is a great film, or a particularly good one, and this from someone who actually liked the girly animated "Tangled". Of course "Frozen" has a couple of nice songs to recommend it, while "Brave" has... some nice scenery and some great hair.

Does anyone old enough to write complete sentences like, or hate, either one?


I remember being pleasantly surprised by "Frozen"... at first...

After it quickly became overrated as hell, I near-instantly began DISOWNING it.

Thankfully the fucking insanity has largely died since - and hopefully it's sequel (even if it is RESPECTED) won't follow in the motherfucking overrated, cash-seizing footstomps...

As far as not overrated goes, "Brave" is EASILY extremely tolerable no contest...


I remember being pleasantly surprised by "Frozen"... at first...

After it quickly became overrated as hell, I near-instantly began DISOWNING it.

Thankfully the fucking insanity has largely died since - and hopefully it's sequel (even if it is RESPECTED) won't follow in the motherfucking overrated, cash-seizing footstomps...

As far as not overrated goes, "Brave" is EASILY extremely tolerable no contest...

To be honest, I wasn`t impressed by Frozen to begin with. Sure, it had it`s perks, but even back then I could see through it`s many flaws that hampered it: The cluttered and overloaded screenplay, how the most interesting character (Elsa) was reduced to a secondary character, when she was the character who not only was the catalyst of the events, but the character with the most intriguing struggle, and dramatical unevenness. So therefore, while I did enjoyed parts of Frozen, I never saw it as something outstanding or great and never understood why people went so gaga for it. I found it overrated from the get-go.


Nailed it!



Nice to meet 'ya:)

My 11 year old daughter loved Frozen...she has that Frozen princess girl doll and other stuff in her room
She was a bit 'meh, it was ok' about Brave...
I dont really have an opinion...11 year old girls would know best i suppose



Brave sort of came and went...Frozen on the other hand had that annoying song on the radio forever and some sort of show at Radio City Music wife and her friend took all the kids to it



oh, so ur incapable of havin`an opinion of ur own? good 2 know


I don’t have too many opinions about entertainment aimed at little girls.

Apparently you do.



why is dat weird? it`s weird 2 not have many opinions `bout entertainment aimed at little girls. no offense.


You seem upset.
And weird.
Have a lie down lol:)


sorry, i know i can be a little harsh at times.




can u forgive me?


I had already forgotten you.


okay. sorry once again


i`ll take back my apology. u know dat ur comment is really insulting towards people who likes disney. and disney isn`t only aimed at little girls. it`s meant 4 an wide audience. but it seems lyke ur incapable 2 realize dat.


Were you thinking about this thread for 3 months before responding to my comment?

You must have been very busy!

Tell me what you’ve been up to since then.




Cool, no story though?

Lame sock.


what do u mean with ur last phrase?


3 months…Lame.


what is lame?


u clearly must b mentally challenged. i feel sorry 4 ur daughter who has a parent who`s as dense and narrowminded as u.



I'm saying frozen is worse



Sorry I forgot to tell u I'm the same person, this is my other profile, I have two accounts.

And it's called "Let it go"



Yeah I know, it's because I I've had a lot of posts on my peaceful224 account, so I didn't want to get up to like a thousand posts. Also, I like my new accounts user name better. It's just kinda nice to have a back up, I guess



Most forums allow you to change your username so I get people having two accounts for that reason. As long as it's not for nefarious (love that word) reasons, for example pretending to be another poster or a different gender.
I'm surprised moviechat allows sockage all the same.
I'm also surprised that nobody in admin or amongst his friends spoke with croft_alice about posting his photograph. It seems like a crazy thing to do, there are people on the internet and possibly on one of the boards he frequents who would use that to do mischief.



"If that is his real photograph. With him I’m never sure."
I hear you.



Hey I'm just happy when someone from GD responds! You are a renegade, I like that.


Frozen is awful. This movie isn't great, but at least watchable. Tangled is far superior to both.


Agreed about "Tangled" which is just a terrific film, it's totally enjoyable and has that one jaw-droppingly beautiful sequence as icing on a very good cake.


The lantern scene was gorgeous. I saw the movie in 3D and that was the only scene where the effects made any difference, but it was great.


Yeah, "Tangled" is one of those films that makes the absolute maximum of the animated film medium, it does stuff that would never work in a realistic format* and makes it all work!

Neither "Brave" or "Frozen" is anywhere near that good, and I'm interested in which one the grownups hate more.

- - -

* But of course Disney will probably make a "live-action remake" anyway, and it'll suck.


Agree, Tangled was lovely. I liked Frozen ok but mostly for that one song. The rest of it is a bit "meh." I had a hard time getting through Brave. She's really mean to her mom. What's so brave about that?


Frozen is awful. This movie isn't great, but at least watchable. Tangled is far superior to both.

Agreed. Frozen had it`s moments, but was quite awful as a whole.


I like both. Brave has a special place for me, so my view is biased. My daughter was four when Brave was released. We saw it twice in the cinema. I like how Frozen is more about sisterly love more than romance. Edge to Brave for me.


why are u takin`frozen in2 dis consideration? frozen is a beloved film, unlike brave. so no need 2 compare `em.


To be honest, I thought that "Frozen" was worse. For all the flaws of "Brave" (cluttered writing), it still was a superior movie to "Frozen", because it had better much, better visuals and more heart and soul. "Frozen" had some great songs, but was otherwise dull and generic.
