the antidote pills ????

So why didnt Craven took the pills after he shooted Bennet ??

He dies in the end of the movie , why didnt someone in the hospital saved him with some kind of antidote also ?

Why does he even die ?? there was a cure !!


Simply because he finished his mission. To revenge his daughters death. To kill the guy who was responsible for it. He was done, so he left the world with his daughter.


Im with you, he could have grabbed the pills and then faced the media in the end with paper headlines about the corrupt government in the back ground. That would have been a better ending :-)


Earlier in the movie it was stated that he could have been exposed by his daughter. Since he was sick so long it could have done irrevesable damage to his body. He also took a gun shot to the chest which also could have done irreversable damage.

I'm coughing up blood that ain't even mine!


Craven didn't take the pills, because it was too late for him. You could tell before he got shot, that he could barely function. He was poisoned. I chock it up to a few things. One, his daughter, and IMHO, when he was taken to the facility, and was handcuffed to the ambulance gurney, I think he was in a room full of poison mist (if you can recall a conversation he had with his daughters bf, where he explains that they pump the place full of toxic, or poison mist, for intruders to inhale, and become poisoned.) The pills would not have worked, nor would anything at the hospital. They just made him comfortable, or as comfortable as possible, until he passed.


I'm a toxicologist and there is not much treatment for post-exposure radiation poisoning. Unless this is science-fiction, they weren't antidote pills.

Instead, those pills were likely an emetic or something that would induce vomiting to reduce his exposure, which is pretty common after accidental poisoning by ingestion. It's like if your dog accidentally swallows rat poison, the vet would try to make it throw up with some of those pills.


If you imagine that the company had some super-secret antidote for radiation poisoning, then maybe the guy thought that since he only got a small dose of rads (he didn't swallow much at all) the pills would be effective. The pills wouldn't be enough to help Craven, who obviously had a huge dose days ago.

Or, the guy was simply freaking out (he's been shot, force-fed radioactive milk, and he's already insane) and hoping that taking SOME kind of pill might help.

Or like julo said they were pills that would induce vomiting.

"I'll see you on the road!"


They might have been iodine pills, which people have been talking about a lot lately with Japan.

Iodine prevent your brain from absorbing radiation if it's taken before exposure. So maybe he was hoping the iodine would be absorbed quickly.

Once you're exposed and the radiation has worked it's way into your body it's too late though.


You might be right about the iodine. It looks like a typical iodine container when you come to think about it.

}--Insert @¿@ Signature Here--{



iodine pills only fills the thyroid gland with non radioactive iodine, and is used to prevent it from filling up with radioactive iodine if you get exposed to it (e.g from radioactive fallout). Radioactive iodine is one of three short lived isotopes, and if you consume radioactive material like thorium directly and thus are exposed trough your digestive system, your pretty much dead in a couple of days.


There are no "antidote pills" for radiation poisoning... He was screwed either way.

"What's the most you've ever lost in a coin toss?......"


To Toxologist

Iodine? The thyroid sucks up radioactivity.

I know that Iodine can help mitigate exposure to radioactiity but there is no cure. Chealation therapy can help mild cases I believe. It works on heavy metals and I think thallium is a heavy metal

Plus won't non radioactive Thallium kill you just as fast and just as dead as radioactive thallium?


You are talking rubbish lol you clearly don't understand anything about radiation.


No cure no secret cure no antidote to radioactivity exposure

Possibly Iodine? The thyroid sucks up radioactivity. Iodine can help.

I know that Iodine can help mitigate exposure to radioactiity but there is no cure. Chealtion therapy can help mild cases I believe. It also helps with heavy metal posioning and thallium is a heavy metal.

Non radioactive Thallium will kill you just as easy,


Mel poured. The bad guy didn't have to drink or even open his mouth.

If there was milk in his mouth, but not swallowed, a simple rinse would help an awful lot.

If he swallowed, he's dead. The milk Gibson's daughter drank was so strong that even her hair was glowing.


No, dude. That's crazy talk that goofy politicians use. Iodine won't help against exposure.

If you get an extremely small amount of exposure, you can help one of the organs that is most susceptible to radiation by using iodine. But the iodine only helps the thyroid, and it can only help in a very very limited way against a very small dose of radiation.

By the way, my thyroid is dead, and I am not. It's not critical. It just gives me a good excuse for being lazy.


There are a lot of bad posts in this thread.

Bennett probably was going for a bottle of Prussian Blue which is used for Thallium poisoning (in fact it is used for many heavy metal poisoning cases).

Look it up.

Cavern was poisoned earlier and the damage was already done to his body, his organs. He was already a corpse walking, Bennett was trying to remove as much of the Thallium as possible. Don't forget Bennett closed his mouth so the amount of Thallium he ingested was very small compared to Cavern who readily drunk it.

The whole point of medical care after radiation poisoning is to remove as much of the source as possible. Plenty of people are exposed to radiation and live. They have a very high risk of cancer, but you can survive the initial poisoning if you act quickly, Bennett was acting minutes after. It should be no surprise that a person in that industry would know what to do.


Cavern was poisoned earlier and the damage was already done to his body, his organs. He was already a corpse walking, Bennett was trying to remove as much of the Thallium as possible. Don't forget Bennett closed his mouth so the amount of Thallium he ingested was very small compared to Cavern who readily drunk it.



Ha, nice Dejay.


There's no cure for that amount of radiation poisoning man. after a certain amount you're a gonner.
