MovieChat Forums > Edge of Darkness (2010) Discussion > Why didn't he call an ambulance?

Why didn't he call an ambulance?

I just have a brief question after viewing this movie. When Mel Gibson's daughter Emma Craven gets shot but is apparently dying in Mel Gibson's arms, why doesn't he just quickly go over to the phone and call an ambulance, who knows, maybe there's a possiblity that she could still have been saved? Or is there really no point and it is commonly known that when someone gets hit with a shotgun blast and is dying, then an ambulance arriving some 20 minutes later will not be able to save anyone.

Anyone know? Thanks!


I think it's a combination of Tom Craven's fatherly emotions and experience as a combat soldier/homocide detective taking over. He's just witnessed his only child taking a shotgun blast full to the chest. His first reaction was to reach for his weapon that wasn't on his hip to return fire. His second reaction was to cradle the daughter that he knew was dying in his arms to say goodbye. IIRC, she was gone in less than 30 seconds so if he had gone to the phone first, he only would have got to say, "You're my girl" to her corpse. If there had been a third person with them, I'm sure we would have heard him yell, "Call 911!!"


she would've been dead before the ambulance got there anyway.

I whispered in her ear "You better fear me dear for I am Death"


In the wrath of Kahn when spock is irraidiated (I use this example because both movies use radioactivity as a plot point) kirk tries to enter the radioactive chamber but scotty stops him saying he's dead already.

She was dead already.


The bad guys had no knowledge that she was dying at that moment.

And Scotty was wrong.


Nothing in this movie makes sense at all so you may as well ask questions about every other non-sense this movie contains. This movie is a big joke if you ask me. It was so retarded it was funny though.


Because you didn't understand the story doesn't make it "retarded." Grow up.

"Meet me in Montauk." ~ Clem, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


You have your daughter shot in front of your eyes and then come back and tell us if your initial reaction was to try to be there for your daughter or get your mobile up and cal the ambo

She died within 2 minutes the ambulance wouldn't had time to do sh-t

Check out Fresh Nugs, wheezin' the juice...


"I just have a brief question after viewing this movie. When Mel Gibson's daughter Emma Craven gets shot but is apparently dying in Mel Gibson's arms, why doesn't he just quickly go over to the phone and call an ambulance ... "

Because you're describing 'TV behaviour' - in real life, having just seen that horrific act, pretty much no one would have the presence of mind to call an ambulance. The most natural reaction is to go to your loved one. Heard of a 'state of shock'?

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.
