MovieChat Forums > Edge of Darkness (2010) Discussion > Only 6.6 for this great movie, hate for ...

Only 6.6 for this great movie, hate for Gibson is absurd! Shame on you!

Last I saw:
The Next Three Days 8.5/10
Real Steel 8.5/10


I don't know. Imo the movie is pretty standard but Gibson is a complete badass in this thing. I love it.

Back off! ... Way off!



Other than the accent being slightly off, excellent performance


I think from playing characters who are cracking up, and from going through the process of making some brilliant films himself, he really has gone to the edge of darkness. But obviously he can still clench it all in and give a great performance.

For me the cardinal sin for celebs is if I find out beyond doubt they are pedophiles. If that happens, they are done as far as I'm concerned. In just about any other case, just ranting some stupid crap isn't going to turn me against them if they are talented. We do have freedom of speech and expression, regardless of how offensive. There's a bunch of celebs who I think are idiots in terms of their politics, but if they can still do their jobs well I'll respect that.


i agree with OP. it's the best film of 2010 out of the roughly 65 films i seen that year.

i think Edge of Darkness average rating should be at least a low 7's instead of it's current 6.6

My Top 10-ish of 2010...

1.Edge of Darkness (9/10)
2.Kick-Ass (8/10)
3.True Grit (8/10)
4.The Town (8/10)
-.The American (8/10)
(the ones above seem overall the most memorable of 2010 for me)

6.The Book of Eli (8/10)
-.The Fighter (8/10)
-.Tron Legacy (8/10)
9.Unthinkable (8/10. maybe a 7.5)
10.22 Bullets (7/10. probably a 7.5)

11.Hereafter (7/10. probably a 7.5)
--.London Boulevard (7/10. probably a 7.5)

p.s. i have seen all of those at least twice besides... The Fighter/Tron Legacy/Unthinkable

Imo the movie is pretty standard but Gibson is a complete badass in this thing. I love it.

personally i besides Gibson/Winstone i think where i really like the film is the general feel/tone of it that helps make it stand out to.

but i am not to surprised it did not do to well in theaters because on the commercials it looked more like a fast paced action film (maybe something like Gibson's past film 'Payback') when it's more of a slower paced drama with some occasional action.

My Vote History ...


I like Gibson. The movie was okay for me because I like action movies.

But it is deeply flawed.


I loved Mel Gibson for decades. The first vhs tape I ever purchased was "The Year of Living Dangerously" for $79.95 in about 1983.

If he hadn't gotten a dui, maybe I'd still love him. Finding out that he is a misogynist and a racist did ruin my ability to enjoy his performances.

I'm only human.


What a hypocrite you are, and you know it.


I LOVE Mel Gibson. I don't understand the hatred for him, but it certainly isn't what made me give this one a rather low score.

Worst of all is the MUMBLING! It made some scenes unintelligible. This is the main thing for me because I simply couldn't follow a lot of it because of the gutteral sounds being made by a number of actors.

As I understand the plot: I'm simply not impressed. So much of it goes over old ground but not in any sort of fresh way. It's been a run-of-the-mill film though it had a very promising start. There are so many movies of this type done better.

I'm not sure yet if I'll give this one a second chance. It depends on how forgiving I am of the acting.

Mel is not to blame!

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


There's no hate for Gibson, I'm sure a lot of people can forgive drunk tirades and making a fool of themselves. The divorce thing is also very understandable, who hasn't seen an angry divorce?

The movie is decent but it's not Man on Fire quality and that movie scored only 1 point higher. Also another great revenge movie is Leon The Professional where they actually built up the characters and Gary Oldman is just an amazing bad guy.

6.6 is a pretty accurate rating because it's just another version of the movie Payback except even less of a character development because everybody already seen Mel Gibson in this role.


Wow,your post is quite shocking to be honest. No hate for Gibson?! Not to be rude, but what rock do you live under? The man is STILL hated all these years later. And this movie is nothing like payback. It's like saying EVERY revenge movie is a wanna-be payback just because it has revenge in it.

Also, I think this movie had 10x the character development that payback did. That was a straight up fun revenge action flick, this is a slow burning dramatic vengeance vehicle. The comparison to man on fire is much more apt...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


I'm pretty sure people on IMDB don't rate movies low for such stupid reasons but rate movies as a whole.

This movie has nothing good about it. That is why I had to give it a 1. It has everything bad about a movie: Poor plot, poor script, unbelievable events. The acting was just ok but I don't see how Mel Gibson could have saved this mess.


Are you commenting about the same movie as everyone else?

If so, did you watch it with 'extreme prejudice' because that is the only thing I can 'reasonably' think of that would make you score this movie so low?



I love Mel, but 6.6 seems pretty accurate. It was an OK film.
