Fire the audio crew

Seriously: I've never in my life had such a hard time understanding what characters were saying in a movie. Random background noises were often as loud as the speech.

I kid you not: I actually ended up turning on the subtitles because it was the only way I could follow the film.


I agree I thought it was just me but sometimes its loud and I'm reaching for the remote to turn it down and then sometimes I'm like what did he/she say ...


I had the same problem.

I think part of the problem was not just the volume of the vocals, but the combination of the speech and the somewhat extreme accents made everything slur together. When people annunciated, I could understand. Not so much an acting issue as something with the audio editing, but it didn't help.


Agreed. But it would be a bit late to fire them now :p

In saying that though, one would think that they would have picked the issues up in post-production and fixed the boom mic guys errors!


I also had to turn on the subtitles. I haven't heard audio this bad since AvP:Requiem.

Fire Bat
Only a fool would deny God.


Likewise, this needed subtitles from start too finish.


I was really doubting my own wife and i felt we should have understood more than we did at certain parts and agreed it was that we couldn't understand a lot of what was being said


Agreed. I had trouble in spots too understanding the audio.


The woman playing the daughter were hard to understand, she was slurring, and so were others. They should have re-dubbed most of the lines. I watch all movies with subtitles "ON," anyhow, so there were no extra problems for me in this dept.


Do you have a 5 channel system? If so turn the center channel up.


Didn't pick up on anything of that sorts. But considering English is not my first language then I usually throw on English subtitles to quicker get what they are saying so that I can focus more on what is actually happening.
Helps a lot in whispering scenes too.

God's busy, Can I help you?


Yeah, definitely. Watched this on TV (so no subtitles) and had to have the remote in my hand the whole time: turn it up when they speak, turn it down again whenever there's background noise.

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