MovieChat Forums > Edge of Darkness (2010) Discussion > What;'s wrong with selling NUKES? I WISH...

What;'s wrong with selling NUKES? I WISH the US still Did This

But we don't, not anymore. What's so wrong about making nukes that look like foreign nukes? That's friggin AWESOME! I know, I'm a bad Christian in the eyes of all the people who will post after me. TGhe fact is we live in a dangerous world and we need to do things that aren't pretty or nice to survive. I'm surprised at Mel for being in this type of movie with this type of story line.

This is chess, it's not checkers and we need to play the game like we once did. Get that checker player Obama out of office in '12 and lets get a grand master in there.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Wow, the dirty south got its first computer. Welcome to the internet! :-)


New York City born and raised, try to aim your prejudice generalization a little straighter. Aren't you people supposed to be open minded and NOT prejudiced?

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Don't worry, god will strike me down for you.


Jesus Christ loves you too, in fact, I think he slips his **** up your *** at night when you sleep.

"Nothing in this movie makes sense." said the narcoleptic.


You completely misunderstand the purpose and implication. The reason in the movie they are building foreign "looking" weapons is they can detonate them against, for example, US targets like New York and use it as an excuse to go to war with a foreign power, like Iran. These would potentially be used against their own people and allies, not just "evil" people living somewhere else.

Further, nuclear weapons are indiscriminate and kill primarily civilians. You are advocating detonating a nuclear weapon in Afghanistan, inhabited primarily by farmers, in order to kill the estimated 50 to 100 Al Qeada members living in Afghanistan (that estimate is by CIA director Panetta). You are talking about killing huge numbers of civilians, and rendering their farm land uninhabitable for decades, in order to go after a handful of people.

I'm not sure what kind of Christian you are, but I think somewhere in the Bible god has an opinion on murder, let alone the mass murder of innocent civilians.


You are right about why they were creating weapons.

As to the Bible, in the Old Testament, God was a heart breaker and a life taker. Life was short as a Philistine when God was backing the Jews, and life was short as a Jew if they doubted God.


Not sure the implication was that the US would *sell* the nukes, but rather that they could be used to assign blame. . . At one point, Huston's character says that the nukes resemble dirty bombs, if I recall correctly.


Right, imagine what we could do with that.

Say we had bombs which resemble dirty bombs. We take one to an AQ site in Afghanistan and take out a bunch of AQ ops. The US doesn't get the credit, or the blame. It just looks like these guys were killed by a rival group perhaps. Any collateral damage won't get blamed on us, it's hard to retaliate and yet the AQ ops are still dead.

Iran gets hit with a big nuke which looks Pakistani, an important Iranian site is gone and we can sit back and act like the guy who farted and no one knows. "What the???? What's that smell? That is just gross."

Instead we just sit on our hands and fear everyone. God forbid we build a freedom tower that would just make the terrorists mad, don't burn a quran, don't draw a picture of Mohamed, we need to stop crapping our pants all the time and do what we once did.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I know it's been months since the OP posted this but I just wanted to point out the irony of trompos's post on 9/11/10, 9 years to the day after our country was attacked by terrorism. He thinks it is a good idea to detonate a nuclear bomb in Iran and blame it on Pakistan.

He believes it is a good idea to murder millions of civilians through a terrorist act and blame it on another country. Think about that. It would ignite a war that would surely kill millions more. We're talking women and children.

On 9/11, of all days, he thinks that it would be morally acceptable to commit an act that would kill millions through terrorism. Somehow it would be different because were Americans and they're not.

He goes on to insult Muslims and even has a signature that proclaims his love of Jesus Christ. How exactly do you think Jesus would think of that? Do you think Jesus would approve?

At first I thought he was just a troll saying stupid stuff on the internet. But after reading his follow up posts, he's serious. Kind of amazing isn't it?


Something tells me you have no problems whatsoever killing poor black and brown people in the name of God and Country, you are sick.


It just looks like these guys were killed by a rival group perhaps
hahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha! hahahahahaha! That's probably one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time - and I regularly read posts by an obsessed fan who thinks she's secretly dating George Clooney!

You must be aware tht Al Qaeda doesn't possess nuclear weapons and even if they did, they don't drop them on "other groups" of Al Qaeda, right? Right? Only governments possess nuclear weapons and the only country in the world that's used them is the US who dropped them on Japan despite already knowing that the emperor was about to surrender.

You do understand that your argument works both ways, yes? If it's ok for us to drop bombs on people we don't like then it's also ok for people who don't like us to drop bombs on us.

George Clooney forum, news & gossip updated daily:


It's so hard to identify trolls these days because they are, essentially, indistinguishable from the multitudes of people that really ARE stupid enough to believe such things.


Rather than a hit and run attack, please tell me what is so stupid about what I said. Tell me what's wrong about what I said. Do we not live in a dangerous world where people want us dead? Do we not live in a world where world opinion matters? Do we not sometimes have to do things which are, let us say, unappealing so that you can sit at your computer and play the superior self righteous progressive with no fear?

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


The problem is not that you are wrong. There is a general naive mentality in the west (mostly across Europe and the United Staties) that grants unlimited freedom for our eastern immigrants that would not be allowed if western people were to emigrate there.

The problem is that you wish to nuke everyone and even worse, blame it on someone else. Nuking is not the answer to anything.


The West has had nuclear weapons for decades, as has Russia. Now the genie has escaped from the bottle and countries like Pakistan and N. Korea have them too. Iran will probably develop them within a year or so. Where do we go from here? I don't think the original poster has a clue.


"Do we not live in a dangerous world where people want us dead?"

Definitely NOT.
You 're too paranoid. Go to the doctor.


Paranoid? Tell that to the 3,000 people who died on 9/11, tell it to the people who were killed in the Embassy bombings, tell it to them you fool.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


What about people bombed by the americans? In Serbia, in Iraq, in Vietnam, in Japan, in France, in Germany, etc etc etc... what do I tell them?

Anyway this isn't about that. It's about throwing wood into the fire. Some fanatic freak, who's action is not sanctioned by any nation, blows up a building and kill a bunch of people. America responds by nuking entire cities or countries. Does that scenario even out the score in your eyes?


Sure, I tell you about an American tragety, you spin it into a blame America first campaign. That sounds about right.

My point was that the US has people out there who want to kill us. Instead of countering my argument about the 9/11 attacks etc, you chose to bring up unrelated wars the US has had.

In every single conflict/war youy mentioned the US was fully justified in doing what it did. In Germany and Japan, we were fighting a total war and civilians do die, Say what you will about Iraq, but we haven't had a single attack in the US since the conflict began and we are safernow than we were before.

Vietnam? We were fighting a larger war against communism, a war we won.

We don't just go nuts and bomb people because we like to.

When AQ attacked we attacked Afghanistan which was AQ's base of operation run by the Taliban, we didn't go after a random country and random cities.

Iraq was a sponsor of terrorism and the invasion was justified under 1441.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Wow you are miseducated. If only every citizen was like you, the US could have a mandate for anything they wanted to do.

You seem very planted in your beliefs so I highly doubt I will make you think any differently, but here goes anyway:

Japan. Killing 200,000 civilians was probably necessary in your eyes, right? Probably because you read so in school? Because you've been told so? Do yourself a favor and read about how many high-ranking officials disagreed with the decision to drop the bomb and how many high-ranking military minds thought it was strategically unnecessary. Sure, you may think that the Japanese would never surrender because that's what you have been told. A number of generals, fleet admirals, former presidents (Hoover, Eisenhower) and other members of the Truman administration had publicly stated it was unnecessary. You're probably ok with the real reason it was dropped however anyway though, as a display of strength to the Soviets.

Despite fighting a larger war against communism, we didn't win in Vietnam. That's a conclusion you can't jump to.

And yes, we have gone nuts and bombed people because we liked to in the past.

Your assessment of the war in Iraq is very flawed. Sponsor of terrorism? Not in a global sense or as it concerned us. Al Qaida didn't exist in Iraq until we went there. Saddam was too much of a power-monger to share any of his power. The mandate to go into Iraq was dreamt up as soon as 9/11 happened - for years after they were incorrectly linked together by the Bush administration. This was on purpose of course. It's kind of silly to me that you even cite 1441 as this was a resolution made with faulty intelligence just prior to the invasion of Iraq. Don't get me wrong, Saddam was deplorable as was his rule in Iraq, but that's no mandate for us to go invade a country.

-"Say what you will about Iraq, but we haven't had a single attack in the US since the conflict began and we are safer now than we were before"
Where do you get this stuff? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, so that's completely unrelated.

By the way, why does Bush get credit as an anti-terror president when the largest terrorist attack occurred under his watch. A watch that had several warnings that were not acted upon properly: such as an Aug 6, 2001 CIA report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US.", or Zacarias Moussaoui being apprehended beforehand and the subsequent report on him having the phrase: "looks like the type of person capable of flying a plane into the World Trade Center." In fact, members of the incoming Bush administration had felt that Clinton devoted too many resources to fighting terrorism, that "Clinton had become obsessed with terrorism."

But I digress. Your assessment of the justification for administering false flag operations for political and strategic mandate essentially suggests that an event like 9/11 would be acceptable to you if it served us in such a way to allow us to do the things we need to do to "keep us safer."

When is killing the innocent within the confines of your moral code?

The words you say are disgusting and deplorable, and frankly, I think you bring shame to being a citizen of the United States.


100% best perspective on the entire thing I've heard in ages. Kudos.


Say what you will about Iraq, but we haven't had a single attack in the US since the conflict began and we are safernow than we were before.

Please tell me that is a joke.


What the hell did Iraq have to do with 9/11??!?!?!



Don't follow the trap of arguing with this OP. He's just a punk assed kid that's been playing playing too many COD video games and not studying like he should be. Let him be his parent's problem and not be yours. I'm replying....then I'm moving on.


trompos is def. the dumbest american ive seen a long time.

"We take one to an AQ site in Afghanistan and take out a bunch of AQ ops."

yeh right, dumbnut, do you really think they are hiding in caves in certain regions of afghanistan?? AQ fundamentalist have spread over many many muslim and non muslim countrys, but in your mind they r all in one cave in afghanistan? wow, ur the dumbest american i have ever seen. (even bush wasnt that dumb)

"Iran gets hit with a big nuke which looks Pakistani"

oh cool, another great idea, maybe u wanna target the nuclear power plant in iran to? how about the radiation plume that goes straight to other countrys, even reaches europe?

please tell me if u have any other great ideas, maybe u want to build WTC big air conditioner around the world to stop the progressing climatic change?

srsly, id like to slap u hard


The people you defend state publicly and frequently that they want to kill all Americans.

The people you attack are the ones who are keeping your sorry butt alive. We have stopped hundreds of attacks, many of them outside our borders.

It's not just Americans that they hate.


Somehow you have turned Hitler and Tojo into victims. On top of that, you have put America at war with countries that it never fought. And the cherry on the top is that you blame 9/11 on one fanatic.

You may be right about the guy in Iraq. Why should America get involved when it was just his own people he was slaughtering. And you can have the guy in Vietnam. He was just slaughtering his own people too. Why get involved? Just let them die.

Those Serbian guys you love are constantly being put on trial over in Europe. It was somebody else who thought it was wrong that they were killing their own people.

So far, we nuked a couple of cities, and all military historians agree that it saved countless American lives. But no countries.

If we destroyed all our weapons, there would be peace in the world.

But we'd be dead.


Trompos, I would respond by asking what, to me, is the key question: WHY do some people in the world want us dead? However sinful they may think we are, I don't think it's merely because Britney Spears shows her belly button. Hatred breeds hatred. In their eyes, it's not JUST that we are "infidels": it's that we are "infidels that are always bombing their countries".

While I would support killing terrorists that want to do us harm, fighting a war is not the way to do it because war -- ALWAYS -- involves unspeakable atrocities and the wholesale slaughter of thousands of civilians that DIDN'T want us dead.

Every errant bomb that kills someone's child, or mother, or brother, or wife breeds more anti-American hatred, often in the hearts of people that would not otherwise have hated us. Terrorism comes from hate, and I simply do not believe that you can bomb hatred out of existence.

Seeing your signature, I have to say that I also do not understand how you can reconcile the slaughter of thousands of people (some of them innocent civilians) with the teachings of Jesus (you know...the Prince of Peace). "Turn the other cheek" does not mean "torture people and kill children while dismissing it as 'unfortunate collateral damage'".


Predicament and Sojaw - I completely agree with both your posts. Just wanted to have it said :)


In my opinion the story implied that they intended to make dirty bombs looking like they came from other countries. Maybe use them for bogus terror attacks. And use that as reason to take military action against those countries.

The story was probably inspired by the prelude to the Iraq war where the US government was desperately looking for evidence of WMD's in Iraq and trying to connect Iraq to terror organisations. So they could get UN resolutions to justify an invasion. A corrupt way to do that would be to build the weapons themselves and make them look like they came from Iraq or some other country they wanted to invade.

The writer probably felt very strongly about the political situation surrounding the decision to invade Iraq. And thought he could make a clever story with a sinister plot in that vein of thinking.


Thank you other posters for educating the OP a little.


This is the mentality that will lead to our destruction. Your pseudo-religious monetary worship and clouded judgments don't make you anything useful for helping bring about peace or prosperity. "This is chess this isn't checkers"
Care to elaborate that platitude?

I'll set aside all the immoral things Jesus said and focus on what the average ill-educated Christian focuses on. Which is loving your fellow man and giving unto others, suffer not the children no matter who and where they come from. But you get lost in it, instead of the good policies he, Horus, Osiris, Ghandi, Buddah, Aristotle, Epicurus, put in place, whether they existed or not, is largely ignored and more focused on worship. How ridiculous.

Hypothetically if Jesus Christ, or Osiris existed, they would be totally against what you propose. So would you go against these people you so worship? Osiris is the origin of the Christ myth, in spite of a few differences.

This is why scientists, engineers, men like Jaque Fresco, Francis Collins, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and many more, need to be running governments and resource-based economies. Not war-mongering *beep* And whether you like it or not. OUR COUNTRY was built on slavery, and oppression, that continues to this very day.


Unfortunately there are many misguided so-called "Christians" in the U.S. right now. How else would you explain the followings that Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann have? And the ratings of Fox News, despite the fact that Fox News' master and commander (Ruppie Murdoch) is knee deep in a scandal in the UK?

The OP talks about a "checkers player" in the White House now and mentions that we need a "chess player" in there. A chess player with an itchy trigger finger on "The Button," ready to use it. Think of Martin Sheen's character in The Dead Zone....a Christian fanatic who sees all Muslims as evil and absolute protection of Israel necessary for the return of Jesus Christ. These people were in power during GWB and Cheney's reign and they had the benefit of a mass propaganda channel, which drapes the American flag over everything (Fox News), as if to say "if you don't agree with us, you're not an American." Fascism lives in the hearts and minds of the Neocons and the radical Christians they've aligned themselves with.

People like the OP are the reasons why America has become the laughing stock of the western world.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


Narrow minded brainwashed fundamentalist idiots like the OP who would gladly nuke the rest of the world with no proof just so they can feel better are exactly what's wrong with this country. Unfortunately he represents a majority, and they are too dumb to realize they are being used and lied to.


Gotta admit, this was a funny thread. Funny, but scary.

Ask why, as$hole.


trompos is either trying to start an online war by writing something to inflame others or if he believes what he writes is a sad case that has a limited understanding of world politics and evenless knowledge of the facts and should just be ignored.

If he/she believes what they write I wonder if they know that muslims believe that although not the messiah they believe Jesus was a prophet of the lord and considered holy.

we have never sold anyone nuclear weapons or materials. Why does he even believe that? There are questions as to who supplied Israel prime suspect south africa but we have never sold nuclear weapons. That alone should have told you that they were an idiot or rabble rousing troll. If a true believer he probably thinks bin laden attacked the twin towers because they hate freedom(a free country that has the most people in jail as percentage of the population of any country on the planet). Bin Laden himself said it was because America placed troops on the holy land of Mecca. This holy Land is in Saudia Arabia and the US stationed troops there enraging many muslims and rightfully so. Although many muslims were angry at this apparently something like .01 percent resorted to violence.

They are apparently of the either love america right or wrong, or america is right and justified in everything it does. Doesn't seem to realize we have sold our souls, ideals, and destroyed the very constitution. Just for a false sense of security. Our military budget is betond belief. Why have it if we don't use it. It justifies itself.

Plus they attack Obama. They couldn't even post their rant without making an attack on the left.

However they are not christian by any definition of the word.

Plus how free are we when 10s of thousand of people are in jail or arrested for pot, gambling and prostitution? That seems not to be very free to me.

And finally Oh Canada Oh Canada. How come no strikes against Canada? Maybe because they don't have a giant army running around the world forcing other countries to do whatever we tell them to or else. Not really a free or democratic position. Seems more like bullying to me.

Last they pissed me off for making me have to post the above on a site that is a dedicated to movies. In the future make your political comments on a political site.

Anyone writing inflamatory or out of context political statements(some movies are political or about politics but this was just a thriller), should be suspended but not banned from posting on the board

This is a movie site so keep politics out of and off of it. Have some respect for other users. If not talk facts instead of making jingoistic comments/



I am australian and let me tell you that it is Americans with opinions like yours that are the sole reason that every other country in the world thinks america is the worst country in the world.
