MovieChat Forums > Pontypool (2009) Discussion > It's a satire on language politics

It's a satire on language politics

That's all you need to know.


There was definitely some satiric commentary on political correctness, especially with that repressive mindset's obsession on telling people not to use certain "forbidden" words.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Yes, political correctness is soooo oppressive. Having people challenge your right to be offensive without consequence--I mean, what is the world coming to?!


Having people challenge your right to arbitrarily determine and demand silence on words now personally deemed to be offensive to gain control or the upper hand in the order of society.


Hey cgraves04, I just decided that the word "consequence" is offensive. Now you can't say it without offending me, and I'm going to challenge your right to say it, and defend innocent children from you because you are offensive. Why are you attacking children?

How does that feel?

I`m sorry for my lack of manners, but I`m not used to escorting men.


Your typing of the word soooo is offensive to me. You offend me. Please stop now.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


You all are stupid. I'm happy to talk all day about language politics, but reading the vague posts of straight white men complaining about being unable to use "certain words" that they won't even name in this thread is pretty tiresome stuff.



Still pro-censorship?

Reductio ad absurdum, look it up. Steelman, don’t strawman, unless you want to tell everyone how stupid you are.


Glad you cleared that up....

But seriously--this is IMDB, and after a second thought there will actually be people on this board that didn't do that math about 45 mins in. Chrissakes the intro credit roll is enough.


Linguists do love their incoherent arguments, yes.


I see you are incapable of abstract thought.


I urge all participants of this thread to read the book "The Languages of Pao" by Jack Vance. The ultimate treatise on how language is used to control people. This movie totally made me remember reading that long ago.


"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

THAT'S all you need to know.


Im not even sure it's satire. In 2016, we've seen college kids literally lose their minds over 'words.' And I'm not even sure it's got anything to do with society and/or social politics.

I think it's got more to do with being "easily manipulated."

Enjoy these words, for one day they'll be gone... All of them.


Someone's brain was literally removed from their skull because of a word? Or do you not understand what the word "literally" means? Don't worry, it seems you are in the majority.


Or do you not understand what the word "mind" means? Don't worry, I'm not worried.

Enjoy these words, for one day they'll be gone... All of them.


They’re not even true believers. They know words are not violence. They just are too weak, stupid, conformist, and have zero critical thinking skills, so they would rather say “words are violence” than in engage with anything they find difficult.
