Stranger Things

So, I started watching Stranger Things the other day (I enjoyed it very much) and I couldn't help noticing an odd coincidence:

Owen's mother is in the series, playing the protagonists mother who is clueless about what is going on in her child's life. Here's the odd coincidence -- in LMI, if you look at her license closely, her surname is "Wheeler". In Stranger Things, she has the same surname.

👿 I know something you don't know ... I am ambidextrous!


My brother just told me about this show last week. Said he really likes it and I should check it out.

I guess one of the creators is a fan of LMI, eh?


It was a really well done show with a lot of resonance in the early 1980s like Let Me In. It's tremendously thought provoking, but it was definitely fun. The only other show that I've enjoyed as much over the past few years was Person of Interest (which also had Cara Buono as a recurring guest star.)

👿 I know something you don't know ... I am ambidextrous!


I'll give it a whirl. Thanks!


Just to add -- it is also inspired by 1980s horror/alien films with a lot of Spielbergian elements. In a lot of ways it is similar to the atmosphere of Let Me In (not the least of which is Cara Buono.)

👿 I know something you don't know ... I am ambidextrous!


Wow...just ripped through the entire season (8 episodes so I guess it's not as impressive as it sounds) in two days. Loved it. Wynona Rider might have some Emmy consideration. Her, the guy who played the sheriff, and the girl were all great. The girl didn't have a lot of dialog so she really had to make it work with facial expressions most of the time. Interesting casting all around as they didn't go for "pretty faces" by and large. A lot of plain even odd looking actors.

Definitely cool to see "Owen's Mom" where I can actually see her face. lol... Her "son" in the show has some of the same vibe as Kodi McPhee. Rail thin and angular features.

Both take place in 1983 so it was kinda fun to pretend the events in LMI were going on at the same time. They also used a lot of the music of that era to set the mood. Another "little girl" character who is more than she seems and befriends a boy who is bullied at school. She isn't quite as harsh with his bullies...but she doesn't go easy on them either. And of course there is a cop character.

I think the only thing I would want to change slightly is maybe the "monster" having more story and maybe some motivation other than "I see humans and want to kill/eat them". I may not have thought of that if LMI wasn't in my mind.

Still...pretty great series...can't wait for season 2.


Both take place in 1983 so it was kinda fun to pretend the events in LMI were going on at the same time. They also used a lot of the music of that era to set the mood.
I agree -- that was one of the similarities that struck me. I thought the period was drawn better in Stranger Things -- mostly because they weren't so isolated. There was a real community who interacted with the children.

The kids are definitely the breakout stars of the series. Three of them have been all over the place (including the Emmy's.) They definitely have unique personalities.

I have a feeling the monster will be further developed in the second year. That being said -- even in this series it was more than "I see humans and want to kill/eat them" -- after all, he ate a deer, too. Plus, there's the "Alien" ending.

The story was a slow build. As soon as they played Peter Gabriel's version of "Heroes", I was hooked.

👿 I know something you don't know ... I am ambidextrous!


My family and I attended the Days of the Dead con in Atlanta about ten days ago. The four boys from the show were there, and an interesting bit of information came up during their Q&A. While the show was in the casting phase, the creators put together a video compilation of other films to give the actors a sense of what they were aiming for with the project, at that time called "Mom Talk." Some of the choices were to be expected, such as "Stand by Me", "E.T.", "Jaws", "The Goonies", etc. A somewhat more recent film was also included: Let Me In. This is probably not a huge revelation or surprise for anyone who has watched the show, but it's good to know for a fact that JAL's story is one of the many ingredients that make up Stranger Things.


A somewhat more recent film was also included: Let Me In. This is probably not a huge revelation or surprise for anyone who has watched the show, but it's good to know for a fact that JAL's story is one of the many ingredients that make up Stranger Things.

Interesting. No wonder I liked that show. It draws from good inspiration.


good catch!
